有关健康的英语短语精选‘My doctor gave me a clean bill of health last month.’(我的医生上个月给了我一份健康证明书。)
‘The river was given a clean bill of health in the latest report.’(在最新报告中,那条河被认定为干净无污染。)
伤心的小狗Flickr CC: Amber West
Down in the dumps 垂头丧气
如果某人不太开心,他们可能会告诉你,他们‘down in the dumps’ (垂头丧气)。
‘I was a bit down in the dumps because I got into an accident yesterday.’(我昨天出了点小意外,所以情绪有点低落。)
‘She was down in the dumps after she lost her puppy.’(她丢了小狗之后就一直不开心。)
分享冰激淋Flickr CC: Jennifer
Lift my spirits 打起精神
如果某人正’down in the dumps’(垂头丧气),你可以给他们打气或者找种方法让他们’lift their spirits’(打起精神)。
‘My best friend lifted my spirits when she surprised me with my favourite ice cream.’(我的好朋友给我带来了最爱吃的冰激淋,这意外之喜使我精神一振。)
‘Let’s invite him over for dinner, that will lift his spirits.’(我们邀请他一起吃晚饭吧,这会有助于他提高情绪。)
禁止吸烟 Flickr CC: Ken Hawkins
Kick the habit 戒除(不好的)嗜好
如果你正在做什么伤害健康的事情,你可能想要’kick the habit’ ( 戒除不好的嗜好)。
‘My friend used to smoke but he recently kicked the habit.’(我朋友以前吸烟,但是他现在已戒烟了。)
'Are you eating too much junk food? You may want to kick the habit before it's too late.’(你是不是吃了太多的垃圾食品?你要尽快戒掉这个习惯,否