guts over fear歌词 Eminem《Guts Over Fear》歌词

  Guts Over Fear - Eminem

  Feels like a close

  It's coming to

  Fuck am I gonna do

  It's too late to start over

  This is the only thing I

  Thing I know

  Sometimes I feel like

  All I ever do is

  Find different ways to word

  The same

  Old song

  Ever since I came along

  From the day the song called

  'Hi My Name Is' dropped

  Started thinking my name was fault

  Cause anytime things went wrong

  I was the one who

  They would blame it on

  The media made me the equivalent

  Of a modern-day Genghis Kahn

  Tried to argue

  It was only entertainment dawg

  Gangsta Naw courageous balls

  Had to change my style

  They said I'm way too soft

  And I sound like AZ and Nas

  Out came the claws

  And the fangs been out since then

  But up until the instant

  That I went against it

  It was ingrained in me

  That I wouldn't amount to a shitstain

  I thought

  No wonder I had to unlearn

  Everything that my brain was taught

  Do I really belong in this game

  I pondered

  I just wanna play my part

  Should I make waves or not

  So back and forth in my brain

  The tug of war wages on

  And I don't wanna seem ungrateful

  Or disrespect the artform

  I was raised upon

  But sometimes you gotta take a loss

  And have people rub it

  In your face before you can get

  Made pissed off

  And keep pluggin' it's your only outlet

  And your only outfit

  So you know they gonna talk about it

  Better find a way to counter

  It quick and make it ah

  Feel like I've already said

  This a kabillion eighty times

  How many times can

  I say the same thing different

  Ways that rhyme

  What I really wanna say is

  Is there's anyone else

  That can relate to my story

  Bet you feel the same way

  I felt when I was in the same

  Place you are

  When I was afraid to

  Afraid to make a single sound

  Afraid I would never find a way out

  Out out

  Afraid I'd never be found

  I didn't wanna go another round

  An angry man's power will shut you up

  Trip wires fill this house with

  Tip- toed love

  Run out of excuses for every word

  So here I am and I will not run

  Guts over fear the time is here

  Guts over fear I shed a tear

  For all the times I let you push me

  Around l let you keep me down

  Guts over fear guts over fear

guts over fear歌词 Eminem《Guts Over Fear》歌词

  Feels like a close it's coming to

  Fuck am I gonna do

  It's too late to start over

  This is the only thing I thing I know

  I know what it was like I was there once

  Single parents

  Hate your appearance

  Did you struggle to find your place

  In this world

  And the pain spawns all the anger on

  But it wasn't until I put the pain

  In songs learned who to aim it on

  That I made a spark

  Started to spit hard as shit

  Learned how to harness it

  While the reins were off

  And there was a lot of bizarre shit

  But the crazy part

  Was soon as I stopped saying

  "I gave a fuck"

  Haters started to appreciate my art

  And it just breaks my heart

  To look at all the pain I caused

  But what am I gonna do

  When the rage is gone

  And the lights go out in that trailer park

  And the window that was closing

  And there's nowhere else

  I can go with flows in

  And I'm frozen cause

  There's no more emotion for me

  To pull from

  Just a bunch of playful songs

  That I make for fun

  So to the break of dawn here

  I go recycling the same old song

  But I'd rather make

  “Not Afraid 2”

  Than another make mothafuckin'

  'We Made You' uh

  Now I don't wanna seem indulgent

  When I discuss my lows

  And my highs

  My demise and my uprise

  Pray to God

  I just opened enough eyes later on

  And gave you the supplies

  And the tools to hopefully

  Use that'll make you strong

  And enough to lift yourself up

  When you feel like I felt

  Cause I can't explain to y'

  All how dang exhausted my legs felt

  Just having to balance my damn self

  When on eggshells

  I was made to walk

  But thank you ma

  'Cause that gave me the

  Strength to cause Shady-mania

  So when they empty that stadium

  least I made it out of that house

  And a found a place in this world

  When the day was done

  So this is for every kid

  Who all's they ever did was dreamt

  Of one day they would just

  Getting accepted

  I represent him or her

  anyone similar you are the reason

  That I made this song

  And Everything you're scared to say

  Don't be afraid to say no more

  From this day on forward

  Just let them a-holes talk

  Take it with a grain of salt

  And eat their fucking faces off

  The legend of the angry blonde

  Lives on through you when I'm gone

  And to think I was a

  I was afraid to

  Make a single sound

  Afraid I will never find a way out

  Out out

  Afraid I never before

  I didn't wanna go another round

  An angry mans power will shut you up

  Trip wires in this house will

  Cut our love

  Run out of excuses with every word

  So here I am and I will not run

  Guts over fear the time is here

  Guts over fear I shall not tear

  For all the times I let you push me

  Around and push me down

  Guts over fear guts over fear


  Guts Over Fear - Eminem





  1996年发行个人首张专辑《Infinite》。1999年发行个人首张录音室专辑《The Slim Shady LP》,这张专辑使eminem获得两座格莱美奖,一年后发行的个人第三张专辑《The Marshall Mathers LP》在一周内就卖出了176万张,打破了布兰妮保持的最快销售个人专辑记录,这张专辑的总销量达到2300万,eminem也借这张专辑获得三座格莱美奖。eminem在2002年主演的自传电影《8英里》全球票房达到二亿多美元,电影主题曲《lose yourself》夺得第75届奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖。2002年夏天发行个人第四张专辑《The Eminem Show》,全球总销量达到2100万,反映了eminem世界乐坛的地位,02到04年间收获了四座格莱美奖、五座MTV音乐录影带大奖、四座MTV欧洲音乐大奖、五座公告牌奖、四座全美音乐奖。2004年,发行个人第五张专辑《Encore》。 2008年,eminem强势复出,09到10年间发行个人第六张专辑《Relapse》和个人第七张专辑《Recovery》,两张神作发行后的首周销量都突破100万,两年间捧走了四座格莱美奖和六座公告牌奖。2013年发行个人第八张专辑《The Marshall Mathers LP 2》,首周空降billboard榜冠军,首周销量为79万2千张。 他被滚石杂志誉为“最伟大的说唱歌手”。


  全名Sia Kate Isobelle Furler。出生于1975年12月18日。澳大利亚流行、爵士等流派的歌手、词曲人。其代表作品《Breathe Me》《Chandelier》《I'm in here》,合作作品《Titanium》《Wild Ones》等被人们熟知。其慵懒沙哑的声线,独特的咬字,以及非凡的唱功给人们留下了深刻的印象。


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