适合小学生的笑话大全 适合八年级英语笑话大全



A psychiatrist asked a patient what she had dreamed the previous night. She replied that she had not dreamed at all.

"Madame," he said, "I can't help you if you won't do your homework."


Two smiling corpses are lying in a morgue in Alabama, and a detective goes into the coroner's to find the causes of death. The coroner points to the first dead man.

"This is Cletus," he says. "He died of shock after winning 20 million on the lottery."

He then moves on to the second smiling corpse. "This is Bo," says the coroner. "He died after being struck by lightning."

"Well," asks the detective, "Why in hell was the fool smiling?"

"Oh," says the coroner. "He thought he was having his picture taken."


A young woman went to her doctor complaining of pain.

"Where are you hurting?" asked the doctor.

适合小学生的笑话大全 适合八年级英语笑话大全

"I hurt all over," said the woman.

"What do you mean, all over?" asked the doctor, "be a little more specific.

The woman touched her right knee with her index finger and yelled,

"Oh that hurts." Then she touched her left cheek and again yelled,

"Ouch! That hurts, too." Then she touched her right earlobe, "Oh even that hurts," she cried.

The doctor checked her thoughtfully for a moment and told her his diagnosis, "You have a broken finger."


Two guys were sitting outside a medical clinic. One of them was crying, tears were pouring down his face.

The other guy asked, "Why are you crying?"

The first one replied, "I came here for blood test."

The second one asked, "So? Why are you crying? Are you afraid?"

The first guy replied, "No. Not that. During the blood test they cut my finger."

Hearing this, the second one started crying.

The first one was astonished and asked the other, "Why are you crying?"

Then the second guy replied, "I have come for a urine test."


A little boy opened the big and old Bible with fascination. He looked at the old pages as he turned them. Then something fell out of the Bible and he picked up and looked at it closely. It was an old leaf from a tree that has been pressed in between pages.

"Momma, look what I found," the boy called out.

"What have you got there, dear?" his mother asked.

With astonishment in the young boy's voice he answered: "It's Adam's suit!!!"


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/200161/687463460.html


收集的适合小学生看的笑话(二) 适合小学生的笑话

童言无忌  (1)有一天,看到一对龙凤胎,非常可爱,可是分不出大小于是就问:你们谁大谁小啊?女孩子神神秘秘地说:你猜猜,我们谁是哥哥谁是妹妹~!!(2)特喜欢小班的一个孩子就一直去逗他,问他:妈妈叫什么?她奶声奶气的,终于吐出了***名字。  

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人们认为,界定笑话的终极标准在其效果(笑果),而非其形式。小编精心收集了关于长一点的英语笑话,供大家欣赏学习!关于长一点的英语笑话:It's Sooooo CooooooldLorenzo Dow, an evangelist of the last century, was on a preaching to

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