导语:伊丽莎白塔(英语:Elizabeth Tower,旧称大本钟,BIG BEN),即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔,世界上著名的哥特式建筑之一,英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼(Clock Tower)的大报时钟的昵称。是坐落在英国伦敦泰晤士河畔的一座钟楼,是伦敦的标志性建筑之一。钟楼高95米,钟直径7米,重13.5吨。每15分钟响一次,敲响威斯敏斯特钟声。自从兴建地铁Jubilee线之后,大本钟受到影响,测量显示大本钟朝西北方向倾斜约半米。
英国著名景点介绍:大本钟The Big Ben ClockThe Big Ben is located in the tower at the eastern end of the Houses of Parliament, Westminster, Greater London.
The Big Ben is very famous throughout the world, but nobody really knows why it is called Big Ben. There are two hearsays about this. Some people say that it was named after Benjamin Caunt, a boxer, who was called Big Ben. More people believe it was called after Welshman, Sir Benjamin Hall.
The Big Ben is famous not only for its 13-ton weight, but also for its accuracy which is a result of its precise mechanism. Even one extra penny's weight on the balance will cause a gain of two fifths of a second in twenty four hours. Although there have been several problems, the bell is still striking today. Its chimes can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C.

大本钟在世界上家喻户晓,但没有多少人实际上知道为何它叫大本钟。关于这个问题有两个传言:有人认为它是从一个叫做Benjamin Caunt 的拳击家而来。更多人认为它以一个威尔士人——Benjamin Hall先生而命名的。