约会英语情景对话 约会情景对话


Brother : Hey, Sally! Are you going to stay in that bathroom for the rest of your life?

约会英语情景对话 约会情景对话

Sister : (From the bathroom) Come on, I just got in here.

Brother : You're kidding me. You've been in there for two hours twenty-four minutes and fifteen seconds.

Sister : All right! Five more minutes, OK?

Brother : What're you doing in there?

Sister : (Coming out from the bathroom) Taking a bath. What do you do in a bathroom? Get a sun tan?

Brother : A bath for two and a half hours?

Sister : What's wrong with that? I'm going out with Daniel tonight.

Brother : You what? No way! Mom doesn't let you go out on dates. Everybody knows that.

Sister : Yes, she does: She said I was old enough to make decisions.

Brother : That's a quick change.

Sister : Do I look good in red? Or maybe black?

Brother : No, you look awful in either red or black. I think white is better.

Sister : Is that so?...I better ask Mom for opinions. Are you free tonight?

Brother : Yeah....No, you're not going to use my car.

Sister : Come on, this is my first time going out on a date. I'll give you Stella's telephone number in exchange.

Brother : That's a deal.



1. Opinion n.看法、观点

2. exchange n.交换,亦可做动词


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