Gillian Clarke
They fill with heat, dewfall, a night of rain.
In a week they have reddened, the seed gone black
in each star-heart. Soft thud of fruit
in the deepening heat of the day.
Out of the delicate petals1 of secret skin
and that irreversible moment when the fruit set,
such a hard harvest, so cold and sharp on the tongue.
They look up from the grass, too many to save.

A lapful of windfalls with worms in their hearts,
under my thumb the pulse of original sin,
flesh going brown as the skin curls over my knife.
I drown them in water and wine, pushing them under,
then breathe apples simmering in sugar and spice,
fermenting under the tree in sacs of juice
so swollen2 they'd burst under a wasp's foot.
Trees 树
I think that I shall never see 我想我从未见过一首
A poem lovely as a tree. 美如玉树的诗章。
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest 一棵张着饥饿嘴巴的树,
against the earth's sweet flowing breast; 紧压在大地甘美而流畅的乳房上;
A tree that looks at God all day, 一棵整天望着神的树,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray; 举起枝叶繁茂的手臂来祈祷;
A tree that may in summer wear 一棵树在夏日里可能
A nest of robins in her hair; 戴着一窝知更鸟在头发上;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain; 雪花堆积在她的怀抱里;
Who intimately lives with the rain. 雨水也和她亲切地生活在一起。
Poems are made by fools like me, 像我这样愚笨的人可以做诗,
But only God can make a tree. 但唯有神方能造树。
by Joyce Kilmer, 1886-1919
My Heart Leaps Up 我心雀跃
My heart leaps up when I behold 当天边彩虹映入眼帘,
A rainbow in the sky: 我心为之雀跃;
So was it when my life began; 初生时即如此,
So is it now I am a man; 我现在仍不变,
So be it when I shall grow old, 将来也会如此,
Or let me die! 否则我宁愿死去!
The Child is father of the Man; 儿童是成人之父;
And I could wish my days to be愿自然虔诚的意念,将我生涯的每个日子连串起来。
Bound each to each by natural piety. 自幼至老,深信不移。
by William Wordsworth, 1770-1850
Pippa's Song 琵琶之歌
The year's at the spring, 一年之计在于春,
And day's at the morn; 一日之计在于晨;
Morning's at seven; 一晨之计在于七时;
The hillside's dew-pearled; 山坡上装点着珍珠般的露水珠露;
the lark's on the wing; 云雀在风中飞跃;
The snail's on the thorn; 山垆上蜗牛爬行
God's in his heaven---神在天堂司宇宙
All's right with the world! 世上一切都太平!
by Robert Browning, 1812-1889
Hyla Brook 雨蛙溪
By June our brook's run out of song and speed.
Sought for much after that, it will be found
Either to have gone groping underground
(And taken with it all the Hyla breed
That shouted in the mist a month ago,
Like ghost of sleigh bells in a ghost of snow)---
Or flourished and come up in jewelweed,
Weak foliage that is blown upon land bent
Even against the way its waters wnt.
Its bed is left a faded paper sheet
Of dead leaves stuck together by the heat---
A brook to none but who remember long.
This as it will be seen is other far
Than with brooks taken otherwhere in song.
We love the things we love for what they are.
by Robert Frost 1874-1963