英语简短笑话大全爆笑 六年级的简短英语笑话



Papa Won’t Like It 爸爸会不高兴的

It seems a farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon load of corn. The farmer lived nearby heard the noise. “Hey Willis!” the farmer

yelled, “Forget your troubles. Come in with us. Then I’ll help you get the wagon up.” “That’s nice of you, ” Willis answered,

“but I don’t think Papa would like me to.” “Aw, come on,” the farmer insisted. “Well okay,” the boy finally agreed, “but Papa won’t

like it.” After a hearty dinner, Willis thanked his host and said, “I feel better now, but I know Papa is going to be real upset.”

“Don’t be foolish,” the neighbor said, “by the way, where is he?” “Under the wagon.”


扶起来。” “太好了”,威利斯答,“但爸爸会不高兴的。” “哎呀,快来吧”,农夫仍在坚持。“好吧”,小男孩终于答应了,“但爸爸真的

会不高兴。”一顿丰盛的晚餐之后,威利斯向农夫表示感谢:“我觉得好多了,但爸爸肯定很不高兴。” “别傻了”,农夫说,“哦,



The Month Is Up Today! 今天是最后一天!

A man sat at a bar, had the saddest hangdog expression.

Bartender: “What’s the matter? Are you having troubles with your wife?”

The man: “We had a fight, and she told me that she wasn’t going to speak to me for a month.”

Bartender: “That should make you happy.”

The man: “No, the month is up today!”







How much English can you speak? 你会说多少英文?

“Your Honor, I want to bring to your attention how unfair it is for my client to be accused of theft. He arrived in New York City a week ago and barely knew his way around. What’s more, he only speaks a few words of English.” The judge looked at the defendant and asked,

“How much English can you speak?” The defendant looked up and said, “Give me your wallet!”

“法官先生,我的当事人被指控偷窃,这是多么不公正啊。他一周前才来到纽约,几乎不认路。而且,他只会说几个英语单词。” 法官

英语简短笑话大全爆笑 六年级的简短英语笑话

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英语简短笑话大全爆笑 简短但要爆笑的英语笑话


英语简短笑话大全爆笑 英语笑话带翻译短一点简单爆笑

明清文人结集笑话的最终目标指向自娱,在遣兴娱情的观念下,笑话集的艺术性增强。下面小编整理了英语笑话带翻译短一点简单爆笑,希望大家喜欢!英语笑话带翻译短一点简单爆笑摘抄给我带来好运的托盘An antiques collector was passi

英语简短笑话大全爆笑 关于简短六年级的英语笑话

汉语冷笑话作为一种特殊语言现象,越来越受到中国人的欢迎。而英语的冷笑话也同样能够让捧腹大笑。本文是关于简短六年级的英语笑话,希望对大家有帮助!关于简短六年级的英语笑话:Mother's intuitionI don't think I'll ever have a m

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