安于现状的同义词:自暴自弃、自甘堕落 不求进取中文解析:安于现状是一个成语,安:习惯,满足。现状:目前的状况。出自刘少奇《论党》:“另有些同志在工作中疲蹋,老一套,安于现状。”比喻对目前的情况习惯了,不愿改变。 查看更多>>
英文解释1.be satisfied with the existing state of affairs and reluctant to move forward; satisfaction with things as they are; be content with things as they are; be reconciled to the situation; come to terms with one's existence; stick in the mud; take things as th
Readers, do you think you've settled in your career?
You know, he just needs to learn how to take things as they are.