超短笑话大全 超短英语笑话_英语笑话大全



Teacher: Why are you late?

Student: There was a man who lost a hundred dollar bill.

Teacher: That's nice. Were you helping him look for it?

Student: No. I was standing on it.

Submitted by Fred G. Stone


Man: I could go to the end of the world for you.

Woman: Yes, but would you stay there?

Man: I offer you myself.

Woman: I am sorry I never accept cheap gifts.

Man: I want to share everything with you.

Woman: Let's start from your bank account.

Submitted by kara dolson


Son: Dad, what is an idiot?

Dad: An idiot is a person who tries to explain his ideas in such a strange and long way that another person who is listening to him can't understand him. Do you understand me?

Son: No.


The real estate agent says, "I have a good, cheap apartment for you."

The man replys, "By the week or by the month?"

The agent answers, "By the garbage dump.."


Customer: Excuse me, but I saw your thumb in my soup when you were carrying it.

Waitress: Oh, that's okay. The soup isn't hot.

Submitted by Jim Sperling


"Why do you take baths in milk?"

"I can't find a cow tall enough for a shower."

超短笑话大全 超短英语笑话_英语笑话大全


Bank Teller: How do you like the money?

English Student: I like it very much.

Submitted by Safnil (Bengkulu University Indonesia)


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在英语口语课上激励初中学生在课堂上做英语情景对话的方法对学生的口语成绩会有很大的帮助。小编整理了关于初一短英语对话,欢迎阅读!关于初一短英语对话一make merry at another's expense 以取笑别人为乐A:Many people don't li

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笑话,是供人们消遣或交际的一种创造性的语言形式,其主要功能是调侃、娱乐或讽刺。下面是小编带来的超经典英语笑话,欢迎阅读!超经典英语笑话篇一至少要买这些My husband is generally not a very romantic person,so I was rather

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