湖南学士学位英语 湖南学士学位英语作文



The Pleasures and Pains of Childhood

Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is improbable that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child-things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain, or in the snow. His first visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure.

But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do as he wishes as he thinks older people are: he

is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong. His life

is therefore not perfectly happy.




湖南学士学位英语作文:Practice Makes Perfect

“Practice makes perfect” is a proverb full of logic. 2It tells us that after practicing doing something again and again, one can do it perfectly. 3The truth of it is deep and profound.

4There are numerous examples supporting this argument. 5A case in point is the important role of practice in English study. 6It is a large deal of practice in listening, speaking, reading and writing that

builds anexcellent English Learner. 7For another example, if we want to be proficient in using the computer, we also need lots of practice. 8Without practical operating experience, one can not become an

expert on computer.

9All the above-mentioned tells us that practice plays a very vital role in our study and work. 10However, what is worth noting is that if there is no right theoretical direction, practice might go towards a wrong

direction. 11Therefore, we should combine theory with practice in realizing our goals.

湖南学士学位英语作文:How Should Parents Help Children to Be Independent

Nowadays some parents tend to take on everything concerned with their children, which has aroused widespread attention from the whole society. They make almost all decisions for their children, from life to study.

What’s worse, even their children’s career and marriage, these parents also put in their hands.

Though most of these parents do this out of love, their behaviors can bring great negative effects on their children. Above all, parents’ decisions are not always in accordance with their children’s personal

ideas andinterests. It will make children form resistance and naturally influence their growth. Moreover, parents’ taking on everything will make children lack independence and initiative, which is

unfavorable to theirdevelopment in the long run.

Considering the seriousness of the problem, it is quite urgent for parents to help children to be independent. Firstly, parents should give children increasing responsibility and teach them that they are

importantcontribution to the family. Secondly, parents should encourage kids to try things themselves first and try to tell them how to do the task rather than do it for them. Thirdly, it is also important to

help kids learn to solvetheir own disputes and encourage children to work out issues by themselves. Only in this way can a child become independent and obtain his room in the competitive society.


With the development of information technology, it is much easier for both teachers and students to enjoy the advanced teaching and learning. For teachers, all kinds of multimedia devices enable them to

present theirstudents an all-round class. For students, multimedia-aided teaching means they can get access to knowledge not only in the classroom, but also through the online class, or online library.


湖南学士学位英语 湖南学士学位英语作文

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双学位与第二学士学位的区别 双学位 第二学士学位

双学位与第二学士学位的区别——简介 双学位与第二学士学位在本质上并没有区别,它们都是选学一个学科门类学士学位专业,再跨学科门类选学另一个学士学位专业。毕业时获得两个不同学科门类的学士学位。但在我国和我校现行的制度和政策

英国学士学位等级介绍 英国硕士学位等级划分


WeAreNotAlone我们不再孤独 不再孤独

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