Three years ago, Kerstin wanted more than anything to plant a garden. When she asked if she could have a garden, she was told she couldn't because she lives in the city. In the city, there was nowhere for a garden to grow. This made Kerstin sad so she decided to look on the Internet and see if she could find a solution.
She saw a sie that had pictures of people turning an unused lot into a garden. It even explained how to do it and gave ideas on raising the money for it.
Kerstin recalled a run-down parking lot a block away. She put her plan into motion. With the help of her mom, she got the necessary permission from the city to use the lot. Then, she sent out notices to her neighbors letting them know about her plan for community garden. People were excited and offered to help with fundraisers and gathering seeds.
Now, just three years later, the garden is the same size as the lot, and it has flowers, vegetables and even a baby apple tree!
Howard was a good businessman; he had been all hislife. He was so successful because he was amart,kind, and considerate. People liked doing busnesswith him because he always considered his associatesside of things.
One cold October day, he agreed to do a businessdeal with a man from out of town. Howard had hesitations about working with this man butdecided to go ahead with the deal anyway.
About three weeks later, Howard found out the man had ripped him off. Howard lost a lot ofmoney and his business was in trouble. People in the neighborhood heard the news aboutHoward and wanted to help.

Howard had done busniess with many people; and because he was such an honest man, he hadmade many friends during his career. Fiancial offers were made to Howard with little expected inreturn. With the help od the other business owners, Howars was able to get his business upand running again.
I was adopted when I was only four weeks old. Mybiological mother were very poor and my father wassick with cancer. They made the decision to put meup for adoption. I grew up in a loving and happyhome with two parents and a sister.
When I was ten years old, my parents told me that Iwas adopted. It felt strange to hear that the people who raised me didn't give birth to me.When I turned sixteen, I asked my parents to help me find my birthparents. We registered ournames with the proper agencies and the search began.
Unfortunately, the search wasn't sucessful, so I began to try and find them myself. Fianlly, lastSeptember, I was reunited with my mother. My father had died a long time ago but my mothershowed me pictures and told me storied about him.
My birthmother and I are friends now and I love visiting her when I can. I feel more completehaving met her but no one can ever replace the family I grew up with.