初中课文最后一课 仁爱版英语七年级下册作文



恐怖主义的灾难 The Disaster of Terrorism

Now it has come to the 21century, the world’s main rhythm is peace, but the fact is that not all the places are in peace, terrorism happens now and then. The America has been attacked by the terrorism in September 11, 2001, many people died, it is a great disaster for the American people. In our country, terrorism happened in Kunming railway station, the terrorists cut people and wanted to revenge the society. The disaster of terrorism is terrible, people feel not security when they go down the street, they worry about the world is not peaceful. Terrorism is condemned by the public, the war should be stopped, peace is what people chase for.



吃夜宵的坏处 The Bad Side of Eating Food at Night

Chinese people like to eat dinner at about 6 o’clock, for the old people, they sleep at 9 o’clock, but as the more and more people like to do some activities at night, like to do the square dance, so they will get hungry and find something to eat at night. For the young people, they like to hang out at night, they call their friends out and get together to have fun, so they always choose to eat snack and have a talk. It is obvious that people have activities at night, so they like to eat food. But such life style is not healthy, eating food at night will make people gain weight and do harm to the body. It is better not to eat food late at night.


初中课文最后一课 仁爱版英语七年级下册作文


高速路上的交通堵塞 The Traffic Jams In the Highway

According to Chinese holiday plan, on the seventh day of the New Year, people need to go to work, so on the sixth day, it means a lot of people will go back to the place they work. As Chinese economy develops so fast, more and more people own private cars, they like to drive home. What’s more, the highway is free in the certain time, which means there will be more people choose to drive their cars. The truth is that traffic jams happened, my sister witnessed it, she drove home yesterday, it took her almost a day to reach her working city. How terrible it is, she said she would never drove home on the holiday.



当我面对荣誉的时候 When I Face Honor

As the semester is over, my teacher starts to make the summary of our study situation. I am so happy because my teacher praises me in front of my classmates. My teacher says that I am her wonderful student, I can also fulfill her expectation and she hope that others students can take me as the example. My teacher’s praise is such a great honor for me and I will continue to do the best. People say one is easy to lose himself when he is facing honor, so I will remember these words and keep moving on. I will remind myself not to be proud, there is still a long way for me to go.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/204261/203522761.html


《兰迪·波许教授的最后一课》观后感 兰迪教授最后一课


《最后一课》课堂实录 余映潮最后一课实录

《最后一课》课堂实录之一梅洪建 江苏省江阴市英桥国际学校教材:人教版初一下册说明:借班上课,两个课时。这是一堂“三个纬度构建文本教学”的公开试验课,笔者试图抛开传统对课文阐释性的教学方式,紧紧围绕“学习读书方法,领悟作文道理

《最后一课》写作背景 最后一课主人公

《最后一课》写作背景  《最后一课》是以普法战争(1870──1871)为背景的。这次战争是普鲁士(当时德意志各邦中最大的一个军事封建王国)和法国的统治阶级为争夺欧洲霸权而发动起来的。法皇拿破仑三世(路易·拿破仑·波拿巴)指望通过

优质课《最后一课》导学简案 最后一课导学案

《最后一课》导学简案一、创设情境,营造氛围。 课前播放有关普法战争的视频、简易动态地图及文字说明。二、走近人物,体会感情。 1、你是如何理解课文题目的?(各抒己见) 2、你发现上课前教室里的情形和平时的许多不同了吗

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