简单励志小故事 简单点的英文励志故事



One day, Robin Hood went hunting alone in the forest. He had told his men that if he should fall into any danger and could not escape he would blow his horn so that they might know and come to help him. When he was crossing a river by a long bridge he met a huge man at the middle. And neither of the two would give way to the other. Robin Hood got angry and put an arrow to his bow and made ready to shoot. The stranger said it was unfair for Robin Hood to shoot a man who had only a staff in his hand. Hearing this Robin Hood lay down his bow and pulled up a small tree and returned to the stranger.

They agreed to fight on the bridge, and that the one who first fell in the stream would be the loser. Robin Hood first struck the stranger a blow, but the stranger did not fall. Then the stranger gave him such a hit on the head that blood flowed. This made him so angry that he attacked the stranger violently as if he wanted to kill him. But then he received another blow and fell into the river. The stranger laughed loudly. Robin Hood swam to the bank, pulled out his horn and blew it so that the valley echoed with the sound. At this fifty men came out of the wood, all in green, and they asked Robin what had happened. Robin said the stranger had caused him to fall into the water. When his men were going to seize the stranger to duck him as well, Robin Hood stopped them. He praised the stranger for his strength and courage, and asked him what his name was and if he would be one of his men, living a merry life in the forest. The stranger said his name was John Little, and he was very glad to join them and to be true to Robin Hood.

But the merry men preferred to call the stranger Little John. Of course it was only a joke, because he was actually seven feet high and more than three round at his waist. Little John later became the leader of the band just below Robin Hood.






Suppose a child comes home with a report card with five As and one B. Usually the first thing his parents will say is "Why the B?" What do you think will go through the child’s mind? Did he try for the B? Or should his parents congratulate the child for the B and accept a lower standard? Not at all.

What the child is really looking for acknowledgement and encouragement for the effort in getting the five As. A parent after acknowledging and praising the As, can make clear his expectations of seeing all six As and offer help if needed. If we lower our standards, the chances are pretty good that the performance next time would drop to those expectations.

Similarly at work, an employee does 100 things right and one thing wrong. Guess what the boss picks on.

Acknowledge the positive but don't lower your standards.






One cold night the king called Nasreddin to him and said, "If you're able to spend this night in the courtyard with only your shirt on, I will give you one hundred gold coins!"

In the courtyard Nasreddin saw a stone mill. He began to push it around, faster and faster. When dawn came, he was sweating all over himself.

The king got up and was surprised to see Nasreddin in high sprits. The king hated to lose one hundred gold coins, so he asked, "Was there a moon last night?"


"Then our bargain is off," said the king. "If there was a moon, it was warm. In that case even I could have spent the night outside!"

A few months later, the king and his men went hunting. It was hot summer and at the edge of the desert it was like a furnace. The king and his men were dying of thirst.

They turned toward Nasreddin's house in the hope of getting some water. Nasreddin was sitting in the edge of his well when he heard the voice of the king, "Nasreddin, bring some fresh water! Be quick and serve us!"

"Please make yourself at home," said Nasreddin.

"Where is the water?" cried the king.

"Right here, Your Majesty, you see?" Nasreddin pointed to the well.

"You only show me the water but don't give me a drink!" fumed the king.

"Your Majesty, if the rays of the moon can warm a person, the sight of water can satisfy his thirst."




简单励志小故事 简单点的英文励志故事










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