23日的英文怎么读 23日的英文



1. The memorandum was dated 23 August, 2008.


2. The case went before Mr Justice Henry on December 23 and was adjourned.


3. Edouard Manet was born in Paris on 23 January, 1832 , one of three sons.


4. The Gossamer Conder, a human - powered airplane, flew into aviation history on Aug. 23,1977.

1977年8月23日, “飘忽秃鹰”式人力飞机载入了航空史册.

5. The Democratic met in Philadelphia on June 23,1936, in a convention that was riotous and triumphant.

民主党人于1936年6月23日在费城集会, 会上人人喝酒狂欢,得意洋洋.

6. Invention of the point contact transistor by Brattain and Bardeen. ( December 23 ).

12月23日, 布拉顿 和巴丁发明点式电视晶体管.

7. We are grateful for your inquiry of May 23, 1998.


8. On March 23, first trying raised zoology pig column smoothly.

3月23日, 首批试养的生态猪顺利出栏.

9. September 23, China's Zheng Jie in the race ball.

9月23日, 中国选手郑洁在比赛中回球.

10. This was said in an Esquire interview on april 23, 2008.


11. Highlight RI Anniversary on 23 February - World Understanding and Peace Day.


12. We thank you for your enquiry of Aug, 23 rd for groundnut kernels.


13. July 23 each year host the " China Baiyangdian Lotus Flower Festival. "

每年7月23日举办 “ 中国白洋淀荷花节 ”.

14. He was born in Stratford - upon - Avon in 1564 on April the 23 rd.


23日的英文怎么读 23日的英文

15. He experienced severe hematemesis on July 23 and later died in hospital.



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