当心英语怎么说 当心英语用怎么说



take care


be careful



We are warned to be careful of the rats.


Please take care not to tread on the cables.


So it must be slippery outside.Do be careful!


You'd be smart to be careful.


When developers compose the new web service, they should take care it does not result in new redundancy.

而如果想在亚马逊上购买畅销书《思考,或快或慢》(Thinking,Fast and Slow),点击时可要当心了。

And if you want to buy bestseller thinking, fast and slow on Amazon, be careful where you click.


Organizations should take care not to brand or sell products resulting from these efforts without conducting a careful investigation and instituting formal contractual arrangements if necessary.


当心英语怎么说 当心英语用怎么说

MARY BETH: I know.If I don't watch carefully, I'll miss their entire childhood. Jonathan, be careful.


Los Angeles: France warns tourists to take care in Hollywood, Santa Monica, Venice Beach and Long Beach, and to avoid Watts, Inglewood and Florence.


Scenes of Palestinians and other Muslims celebrating this week 's horrors may seem an unendurable provocation, but America must take care in the coming days that it does not create more would-be martyrs than, through military action, it can destroy.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/205661/210014127.html


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