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Donald Jobs

No.67, Lane123, Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, China, 200070


(+86) 138-0000-0000


Aspiring event planner with experience in non:profit events and logistics

Experience with leadership and coordination of volunteers

Skilled written and verbal communicator with strong multitasking abilities


Bachelor of Arts in Arts Entertainment and Media Management

Expected May 2014

Concentration in Performing Arts Management

GPA: 3.67 / 4.0

Columbia College Chicago

Chicago, Illinois


Chicago Festival Association

Chicago, Illinois

Production Intern

May - December 2013

Provided event planning support for the 2008 Thanksgiving Day Parade

Updated festival website weekly with new information for the public

Contacted vendors daily to ensure necessary deadlines were being met

Shadowed event accountant to learn budget development and management

Oversaw team of ten volunteers in the weeks leading to the parade

Addressed last:minute issues the day of the parade

Chicago Gateway Green

Chicago, Illinois

Event Logistics Volunteer

January - May 20012

Managed “day:of” checklist of duties for the annual tree:planting day

Delegated tasks to team of 15 volunteers to ensure smooth operations

营销策划简历模板 媒介营销策划简历模板英文

Wrote web content to encourage community members to attend and donate to the cause


Macy’s Department Stores

Chicago, Illinois

Sales Associate

January 2012 - present

Provided friendly service to build customer relationships

Exceeded sales goals each quarter and led the department in sales for 2011

Columbia College Chicago Library

Chicago, Illinois

Visual Resources Student Assistant

February 2011 - December 2011

Maintained a frequently used slide collection by keeping slides organized

Assisted faculty in quickly retrieving slides for classes

Greeted visitors to the library and guided them to appropriate resources


Advanced proficiency with Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Access; Proficiency with PhotoShop and Dreamweaver.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/206161/532531689.html


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应届大学生简历模板 市场营销应届大学生个人简历模板

   市场营销应届大学生个人简历模板  基本资料  :  性别:男  年龄:33岁  民族:汉  户口所在地:吉安市(含区市县)  婚姻状况:已婚  目前所在地:吉安市(含区市县)  技术职称:中级经济师  毕业时间:2014

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  个人简历  • 基本资料  姓 名:---  出生年月:19--,-  性 别:--  身 高:--  婚姻状况:--  籍 贯:--  政治面貌:--  目前所在地:--  • 求职意向  期望职位:经营管理、市场策划  职位类型:全职

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