商店购物英语对话 在商店里的英语对话精选



A:Bill, will you be free at noon?


B:Yes. What can I do for you?


A:We need a new filing cabinet in the office. Could you go downtown with me after lunch?


B:All right. Have you got an idea about what type to buy?

商店购物英语对话 在商店里的英语对话精选


A:Yes, the same as the one we have. And we also need some small articles in the office, such as pens, clips, erasers and sticky notes.


B:Can you remember them all?


A:Susan has already given me a list of all the stationery which we need to buy.



A:I need to find a new furniture set for my living room.

B:Where are you going to find one?

A:I have no idea.

B:Do you want to know where I bought mine?

A:Where did you get it from?

B:I got it from IKEA.

A:How much did it cost you?

B:It cost me a couple thousand for the whole set.

A:Is the furniture sturdy?

B:The furniture is built extremely well.

A:I don't mind paying a lot as long as the quality is good.

B:Well, trust me. The quality is fantastic.


A:Can I help you find something?

B:I would like to buy a new fridge.

A:Is there one in particular that you like?

B:I was looking at this Kenmore refrigerator.

A:Ah yes, that is a great refrigerator.

B:What's so great about it?

A:It's both affordable and it comes with all the appliances.

B:What appliances?

A:It comes with an ice maker, water dispenser, and there is a lot of room inside.

B:May I see the inside for myself?

A:Be my guest.

B:Wow! You're right! This refrigerator is great. I'll take it.


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