A: Would you please tell me your identity?
P: I am Port State Control Officer(or inspector).
A: Please show me your ID card for register?
P: Here you are.
A: Thank you. Is this your ID card number?
P: Yes, that is correct.
A: Excuse me(sorry),please open your bag for checking,ok?
P: OK.
A: Who are you looking for?
P: I want to meet master(or captain).
A: Just moment,I will call someone to consort(accompany) with you.
P: OK.
P: Who is the ship security officer(sso) on your ship?
A:The SSO is captain(or chief officer)
P:Which security level is on your ship?
A:Level one.
P:Do you know your ship’s administration of security?
A:Yes, it is HongKong.maritime department(or St.Vincent maritime administration). 是的,香港海事处(香港旗船); 圣文森特海事主管机关(圣文森特旗船) P:Are you familiar with the content of the company security policy?
A: Yes,the policy is safety of life,safety of ship,safety of property.
P:Do you know where the restricted areas is on your ship?
A:Yes, it includes wheel house,engine room,accommodation,store,etc.
P:Do you know how to respond to an armed attack and or threat situation?
A:Yes, when the ship encounter this situation, first I will try to report to master or SSO, and no against to armed attack.
P: Do you know Company Security Officer(CSO) and how to contact with him? 你知道公司保安员并且如何与他进行联系吗?
A: Yes, CSO is captain LUO CHENG HUA, we have his office telephone number, mobile phone number, the address of e-mail, etc.
1、 先生/女士,您好!
Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening Sir/Madam
2、 请问有什么可以帮您?
How can I help you? /May I help you?
3、 请您出示您的住户证。
Please show me your ID card.
4、 请问您去哪个单元?
Which Apartment are you going for?
5、 不好意思,我不懂英文。
I am sorry, I don’t understand English.
6、 请问您会中文吗?
Do you speak Chinese?
7、 您有翻译或者有会中文的朋友吗?
Do you have a friend who speaks Chinese?
8、 请您在登记本上填写您要去的单元。
Please write down the Apartment number on our registration book.
9、 谢谢您的合作。
Thank you for your cooperation.
10、 请您用对讲机或电话和您要去的单元联系一下好吗?
Please, can you use your phone to contact the host/proprietor?
11、 能否请您要去单元的客户下来带您进去。
Could you please ask the host/proprietor to come down and take you to the apartment? /Please ask your friend to come and lead you to the apartment?
12、 请您稍等,我找同事带您进去。
Please wait for a moment, I will ask mycolleagues to take you to the apartment.
13、 您好,需要我帮您提这些物品吗?
Hello, do you need my help to carry these things?
14、 地上有水,请小心地滑。
The floor is wet, please be careful./ Caution, wet floor!
15、 抱歉,这个情况我不是很清楚。
I am sorry; I am not so clear about this situation.
16、 请您稍候,我联系服务中心。
Please wait; I will contact the service center.
17、 请您和服务中心联系。
Please contact the service center.
18、 不好意思,小区内禁止单车、电动车进入。
I am sorry;bicycles and electro-car are forbidden in the residence.
19、 不好意思,这里不能停车。
I am sorry, parking here is not allowed.
20、 请您将车辆停放到指定位置。
Please, park your car in the appointed parking lot.
21、 请您关好车门车窗。
Please make sure you close the car doors and windows.
22、 请不要摆放贵重物品在车内。
Please, do not leave your valuables in the car.
23、 车辆可以停放在(具体位置根据服务中心自行制定)
Cars can be parked in (definite a specific place in accordance with the service center)
24、 请您配合我们的工作。
Please cooperate with us./ We need your cooperation.
25、 真不好意思,这个是小区的规定。
I am truly sorry; this is the rule of the residence.
26、 为了安全,请你拴好狗绳。
For safety, please fasten your dog’s tie.
27、 如果您有什么疑问,可以咨询服务中心。

If you have any problem, please contact the service center.
28、 服务中心电话是:。
The service center’s telephone number is:
29、 您搬出的物品有放行条吗;
Do you have the permission ship to removeitems?
30、 请您到服务中心办理放行条。
Please go to the service center to apply for the permit.
31、 请您稍等,我需要核对一下搬出物品。
Please wait for a moment; I need to check the articles.
32、 这里需要您的签名确认。
Please sign here. / I need you signature here.
33、 您有什么需要我们帮忙的吗?
Do you need any help from us?
34、 您可以在这里指出您需要项目。
You can indicate all your need here.
35、 我要投诉。
I have a complaint.
36、 我要服务中心电话。
I need the service center’s telephone number
37、 我要找电工帮我维修。
I need to find an electrician for maintenance.
38、 我要找快递。
I need an express delivery.
39、 我想找人来收废品。
I need recycling service.
40、 我旁边的住户打扰了我。
My next door neighbor is disturbing me.
41、 我楼上的住户打扰了我。
My above neighbor is disturbing me.
42、 我们家的宠物丢失了,请帮我寻找。
We lost our pet, please help us to look for it.
43、 我需要电召出租车。
I need to call a taxi.
44、 我想找订餐电话。
I need to find the restaurant’s phonenumber for Home-Delivery-Service.
45、 服务中心怎么走?
How to get to the service center?
46、 我想咨询搬家的事情。
Please consult the procedures of moving out.
47、 我想咨询管理费等费用问题。
I need to consult about theproperty fee/property management fee.
48、 我想咨询关于会所的问题。
I need to consult the problem about the club.
49、 我想咨询游泳池开放的时间。
I need to know the opening time of the swimming pool.
50、 我想咨询收取垃圾的时间。
I need to know the time for the rubbish collecting.