七下unit 3单元测试题 八年级英语上册UNIT1单元测试题




1. —Have you read today’s newspaper?

—No, I haven’t. Is there in it?

A. something important B. anything special

C. new anything

2. —Believe in , Jack! I’m sure you can make it.

—Thank you, Mum.

A. myself B. yourself C. himself D. herself

3. —Who helped you clean the bedroom yesterday, Kitty?

— . I cleaned it all by myself.

A. Nobody B. Everybody

C. Somebody D. Anybody

4. The Greens arrived New York a sunny day.

A. in; in B. at; in C. at; on D. in; on

5. Oh, the food smells good. But what does it like?

A. seem B. sound C. taste D. feel

6. —What a nice watch! When you it?

—Three days ago.

A. do; buy B. did; bought

C. were; buy D. did; buy

7. —Is your friend Michael still in Australia?

—I don’t know. I have information about him because we haven’t seen each other for years.

A. a little; a few B. little; a few

C. a few; a little D. few; a little

8. The Great Wall is famous lots of visitors all over the world come to visit it every year.

A. so; that B. such; that

C. enough; that D. very; that

9. Jane to Mount Tai with her family last summer vacation.

A. go B. goes

C. went D. is going

10. —I’m going to spend my summer holiday in Hawaii.

—What a lucky boy! And don’t forget to send me a postcard.

A. That sounds good. B. Have a good time!

C. Good luck! D. Can I go with you?


This week, I asked my classmates about their vacations. Here are some of their answers.

Linda 1 to Sydney, Australia. The 2 was sunny and the people 3 friendly to her. She went there by 4 and the air trip was relaxing. She went to Sydney Opera House. It’s wonderful. She had a 5 vacation.

Alice went 6 her aunt. At first the weather was 7 and wet, she had to stay at the house. She watched TV 8 the TV shows were boring. Later on the weather got better. So she went shopping with her aunt. The shop assistants were all 9 and kind. She bought something nice for herself.

Peter stayed at home. First he did his homework. It was a little difficult. Then he 10 computer games. They were interesting. He thought his vacation was OK.

1. A. go B. goes C. went D. going

2. A. place B. weather C. museum D. beach

3. A. were B. was C. is D. are

4. A. bike B. train C. bus D. plane

5. A. bad B. terrible C. great D. boring

6. A. to visit B. visiting C. visited D. visits

7. A. sunny B. rainy C. windy D. wind

8. A. but B. and C. or D. with

9. A. friend B. impolite C. unfriendly D. friendly

10. A. play B. played C. listened D. wrote


Our family went to the Yellow Stone National Park last summer vacation. Our son, Tom, wanted to see bears there. And what an experience(经历)it was!

When we got there, we put up our tent and went to explore(探险). As we returned, we heard our daughter Susie cry out. And then we saw a bear go into our camp.

Tom wanted his father to chase(追赶)him away. His father said, “No. It’s dangerous to chase a bear. And don’t let him chase you. ”Susie said, “What shall we do? Maybe we should climb a tree. ”Tom said, “No. We have to get him out of there. He might go to sleep in our tent. ”“Maybe we could make him leave if we put some honey outside for him to eat. ”Susie suggested. Then I said, “How are you going to get the honey? It’s in the tent. ”We watched the bear go into the tent and heard him upset(翻倒; 弄翻)everything inside. “It’s foolish for us to try to chase him away. ”said my husband, “Leave him alone and wait for him to come out. ”We waited, but the bear stayed inside. We had to sleep in the car that night.

1. Tom wanted to go to Yellow Stone National Park to see .

A. tigers B. wolves C. bears D. birds

2. Where did the family go on vacation last summer?

A. They went to the Central Park.

B. They went to Yellow Stone National Park.

C. They went to a zoo.

D. They just stayed at home.

3. Who do you think saw the bear first?

A. Susie. B. Tom. C. The writer. D. The writer’s husband.

4. What did they do when they saw a bear go into their tent?

A. They chased the bear away.

B. They stayed outside the tent and did nothing.

C. They climbed up a tree.

D. They put some honey outside for the bear to eat.

5. What did the bear do in the tent?

A. He ate the honey.

B. He chased the people away.

C. He drank the beer.

D. He turned things upside down.

七下unit 3单元测试题 八年级英语上册UNIT1单元测试题


1. H can lay eggs, but cocks can’t.

2. He got wet in the rain because he didn’t have an u .

3. You can ask (任何人)here for help if you are in trouble.

4. Most people (不喜欢)selfish men.

5. Both of John’s parents are (商人). They’re very busy.

五、用所给动词的适当形式填空, 完成短文。

I 1 (go)to Paris with my parents on vacation. The weather was fine. We 2 (have)a sightseeing(观光)tour of the city and we also 3 (visit)some of the famous places like the Eiffel Tower. From Paris we traveled down to the south of France near Marseilles by boat. We 4 (stay)there for three days. There we had a lot of fun. We 5 (swim)in the sea and 6 (take)many photos. We also 7 (do)lots of sports on the beach. We 8 (go)back a week later by train. The people there 9 (be)friendly. The food 10 (be)delicious. So the trip was really great.


北京(Beijing)是中国的首都(capital)。它有许多名胜古迹(interesting places), 如长城、故宫、天安门广场等。假如你是Kate, 你到北京旅游, 度过了一个愉快的暑假。请你给你的同学Mike发一封电子邮件, 介绍一下北京之旅。

要求: 1. 语言正确, 条理清晰, 书写规范;

2. 词数: 60~80个词。

Dear Mike,





爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/207161/983463298.html


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