英语日常会话 日常英语双人会话



W: Is there anything worth watching on another channel?

M: I think there’s a Western on.

W: Do you mind if we watch it. I’d really like to see it.

M: Well, I really wanted to see the football game.

W: Football game? Ok, and you know what comes on next?

M: I believe there’s a sitcom.

W: Are you interested in watching it?

M: Let me look in the TV Guide first.

W: Oh, I am sorry. What's on Channel 2 at 10:00 pm?

M: If I remember correctly, it's a quiz show.

W: Do you want to watch it?

M: Let's watch it together.


W: Let's see now. Cut the potatoes into small cubes.

M: Yes, but don't cut them yet. Wait until they cool. Where is the big plastic bowl?

W: On the bottom shelf in the cupboard under the sink.

M: What's Donna like, by the way?

W: Donna? Well. She is about 20. She is very lovely and I think you will like her. What about Paul?

M: Oh, Paul is very easy-going and friendly.

W: Could you get me the pepper from the cupboard?

M: Yes, sure. Which cupboard is it in?

W: It's in the small one beside the cooker.

M: There is no pepper here.

W: Oh, there Isn't? Oh, no.


W: Oh, Henry. I haven't seen you in ages. Come on in, please. Let me take your coat. How are you getting along?

英语日常会话 日常英语双人会话

M: Fairly well, thank you.

W: Please take a seat. Everything will be ready in a minute.

M: Can you bring me a glass of orange juice, please? I am quite thirsty.

W: Yes, here you are.

Here is your cocktail, Lettuce Salad, Fried Chicken, French Fries and Vanilla ice-cream. Help yourself to the chicken while It's hot.

M: Wow, there are delicious. Can you pass the pepper.

W: Here you are. Taste the French Fries.

M: They are crispy.

W: Would you like some more?

M: No more, thank you.

W: Let's bottoms up.

M: To our friendships and health!


M: I'd like to have these shirts washed and ironed.

W: Ok, do you want us to use starch?

M: Yes, heavy starch in the collar, please.

W: Yes, sir. Your shirts will be ready by Thursday morning. Anthing else?

M: I also have a suit to be dry-cleaned. Can I fetch it the day after tomorrow? It's urgent.

W: No problem, sir.

M: Could you please tell me when your laundry opens and closes?

W: We remain open from 9am till 8pm.

M: I see.

W: Here is your laundry ticket, sir.

M: Thank you.

I'd like to get my laundry.

W: Yes, sir. May I have your laundry ticket, please?

M: Here you are.

W: Yes, they are ready to go.

M: Can you sew on these buttons?

W: No problem.

M: How much for the shirts?

W: 10 dollars.

M: Here is the money, keep the change.

W: Thank you, bye.


M: Hello, is Marie Ward there, please?

W: I'll see if she is in.

M: Ok.

W: I'm afraid she's out.

M: Can you give her a message, please?

W: Yes, of course.

M: Please tell her to give Colin a call when she gets back. She has my number.

W: Sure.

M: Thank you for your help.

W: It's my pleasure.



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