歌颂父亲的诗歌 歌颂父亲的英语诗歌阅读



A Father Is

A Father Is:

There in every memory

See his love and care

Strength and hands to count on

Freely he does share

Provider, toil so faithfully

To make our dreams come true

Give strong and tender discipline

Though it is hard to do

A Father is God's chosen one

To lead the family

And point it to His will for life

Of love and harmony...

Sue Skeen


Daddy you are the Best

Daddy you are the best,

although you live in the west.

stay the way you are,

while your driving your sports car.

You couldn't be a better dad

oh yeah, don't go driving around mad

I love you for ever

'cause you'r really clever

Even though i puss and shove

I will still show all my love

--Olivia Elliott & Simeran Mason


A Little Girl Needs Daddy

A little girl needs Daddy

For many, many things:

Like holding her high off the ground

Where the sunlight sings!

Like being the deep music

That tells her all is right

When she awakens frantic with

The terrors of the night.

Like being the great mountain

That rises in her heart

And shows her how she might get home

When all else falls apart.

Like giving her the love

That is her sea and air,

So diving deep or soaring high

She'll always find him there.

歌颂父亲的诗歌 歌颂父亲的英语诗歌阅读


My Dad

When I was just a tiny kid,

Do you remember when,

The time you kissed my bruises,

Or cleaned by soiled chin?

You scrambled for the balls I hit,

(Short-winded more than not,)

Yet, every time we'd play a game,

You praised the "outs" I caught.

It seems like only yesterday,

You wiped away my tears,

And late at night I called your name,

To chase away my fears.

Though time has changed your handsome grip,

Your hair is snowy white,

You gait's a little slower now,

Thick glasses help your sight.

Oh, do I thirst for years gone by,

To be that growing lad,

Re-living all of the memories,

Of growing with my dad.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/208561/401304213.html


健康生活格言 关于健康生活的名言格言

失去健康的人,才感到健康的幸福;患有疾病的人,才感到疾病的痛苦。以下是小编为大家精心推荐的关于健康生活的名言格言摘抄,欢迎阅读收藏,希望能够對您有所幫助。关于健康生活的名言格言精选1. 宽宏大度容天地,得容人处且容人。忍一时风

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文艺5字情侣网名大全 5个字的情侣网名大全

情侣指恋爱的两个人,正在交往中的一对。以下是小编整理的5个字的情侣网名,欢迎大家阅读。5个字的情侣网名精选10对:(一) 得了厌学症 ☜♥☞ 患上白学病(二) 犹唱百花残 ☜♥☞ 似吟月光寒(三) 祖蓝笑一笑 ☜♥☞ 地球抖三抖(四)

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