One day, the weather is warm. The rabbit and the dog each carrying a basket full of food, to go outside to play six suddenly, they heard a strange grunts, busy stop listen carefully.
"Seems to be sent to the giant's voice, we have to be careful." Little rabbit to the puppy side by the by, said nervously. Puppies softly to the direction of the voice.
A little later, a wooden house in front of the puppy, hut about shaking, it is from here that strange purr.
"Ah! A call log. The book is such a thing." Little rabbit has been behind the dog, now it is close to the dog in a whisper. They carefully close to the cabin, pushed the door open and went in to. See - only big hippo is lying in bed, the nostril a match, when it maybe have a purring sound coming from the inside.
"It seems that a monster hid in the hippopotamus nose." The rabbit said. The dog head near the hippo's nose to look, when the purring sounded again, a powerful air blow it high up, snapped hit the ceiling, and fell down. "Is a monster hit me!" Puppy climb from the ground up, together with the rabbit running for the flight. Always run to far away from the cabin, they didn't stop. Look back a look, ah! Frighten almost fainted, I saw the hippopotamus carry them forget the basket in the log lodge, is striding pursued to come over? The dog and the rabbit "ah, ah," exclaimed to run again, this time they wish I can fly. As a result, needless to say, they still be hippo catches up.
"I don't always change out of bed snores, so a lot of friends left me, left me a lonely man lived by himself in the log lodge." Hippo said with red eyes.
"That said, you also blame poor." Said the dog.
Little rabbit also nodded: "you are not intend to snoring. Lulu, don't blame you."
Hippo smiled happily, it please the dog and the rabbit to the wood house a guest, also eat the delicious food together, laughter constantly coming out of the cabin.flew to tell everyone: "there is a singing cabin in the woods!"
To hear the news of the animals came running to the cabin, they are in the log lodge singing, dancing...
"I am the most happy!" As a host of hippo, met anyone said.
Small flying squirrels poop-poop, can fly, but fly fast. He has a good friend, is the dormouse pitts card. Pitts card is sleep, every day, but he thought my daughter, can fly, of course, the best flying when he is asleep.
Forest school, pitts card must to study arithmetic, at least have to count from 1 to 7. But he has been sleeping, has been sleeping, school holiday soon he also did not wake up.
Good friends daughter, malicious and cruel, pitts kara, pulling him to go to school. Walk on the road, pitts card for a while said let my daughter to his pick flowers, said he'd cough for a while, then said to comb hair, along the way he said don't talk in a dream, never wake up.
Suddenly came a fierce big bird, grabbed the pitts card, he is going to become a big bird a sumptuous dinner. My daughter's word, immediately fly to chase. At this moment the pitts card is still fast asleep, he dreamed that he was flying sweet smile.
More ominously rushed to the big birds come to bear on plane, want to seize the big bird and pitts card to sell to the zoo. He wants to pass such a prosperous, or bird targets and pitts card for dinner. Pitts card is still in sleep, sleep, still dreaming that I am flying in and enjoy.
My daughter can be anxious that bad, desperately chased ah chase after, it's a pity that the plane is one hundred times faster than my daughter husband! Wait, have a new situation, alcoholic, Johnny with binocular rifle aimed at them.
"Bang!" The plane hit, pitts card suddenly planted into a pond, but he is still in the dream fly irretrievably. My daughter came here in time, he flew, although swims fast. At the end of the pitts card to be drowned in a second, my daughter, he get up.
They finally arrived at the forest school.
By this time the forest school and after school, this is the last day before vacation.
The sun is setting, the pitts card sleep more soundly. "Do you know?" Him in his sleep on the daughter said, "today, in the forest school I had the best day in my life. I like in a dream because all day. I dream of the great bear, and his plane. I dreamed of...... has been... dreamed I in sleep while flying, so happy!"
Daughter, looking at pitts card: "sleep! My good friends, I wish you in the dream can realize other desire."
Hillside, alone with a small tree. Young trees without partners, really lonely! It think: if I had a bird nest to me do, I won't be lonely.
One day, a little bird fly tired, fell on the little tree to have a rest.
"Birds, please made their home in me? I don't have a partner, true loneliness ah." Young trees said earnestly.
Bird sympathize with young trees: "I am willing to to you, but you are too small, the wind is blowing, will blow off my nest."
Young trees heard, shed tears sadly.

Bird wanted to think, say: "don't be sad, so, you hard, wait you to grow into a tree person, I came to you."
The little tree feel less sad: "you speak a bargain is a bargain, must not forget me!"
"Never!!!!!!!!" The bird said firmly.
The bird flew away, remember the little bird, it hard ah long...
Ten years later, young trees grew up and became a lush tree, finally it small blare call in the heart: "birds, where are you? Come and do nest!"
One day, the bird really fly.
The tree excited to welcome the bird: "oh, you really did not forget me!"
"No," the bird says, "I am not the bird, the bird is my grandmother and told my mother when she died, and told me when my mother died, call me to you here."
Trees to think of it, yes, ten years, how could the bird is the bird? It tears can't help flow to come out: "thank you, thank you so much...