去商店买东西英文对话 关于在商店买东西的英语对话

初期的商店以食品为主,兼售少量杂货; 目前除上述外还兼管化妆品、文具、五金、服装等,多达七八千种。小编整理了关于在商店买东西的英语对话,欢迎阅读!


A:I am really interested in buying this television.

B:That's great!

A:How much are you selling it for?

B:This TV is $2500.

去商店买东西英文对话 关于在商店买东西的英语对话

A:You can't be serious.

B:That's how much this t.v costs.

A:That's too expensive for me.

B:This television is of very high quality.

A:You can't go down on the price?

B:By how much?

A:I'll buy it for $2000.

B:I'm sorry, but the price is final.


A:How may I help you?

B:I would like to return an item.

A:What are you returning?

B:I want to return this cellphone.

A:Is there a problem?

B:It's broken.

A:What exactly is wrong with it?

B:The phone turns off by itself.

A:That's fine, but do you have your receipt with you?

B:Yes, here it is.

A:I'll refund your money right now.

B:Thank you so much.


A:Hey! What are you doing here?

B:I'm just shopping.

A:What are you shopping for?

B:Some new clothes. How about you?

A:Same here.

B:Have you found anything nice yet?

A:I found a few pairs of pants.

B:Where'd you get those?

A:I found them at JC Pennies.

B:Those are really cute.

A:Do you want me to show you where I found them?

B:I would like that. Thank you.


A:I really need to go shopping.

B:What do you need to buy?

A:I need to look for a new bedroom set.

B:Where are you going to go look for one?

A:I have absolutely no idea.

B:You don't know where you want to look for one?

A:No, I'm not sure where they sell nice bedroom sets.

B:Do you want to know where I got mine from?

A:Yes, because I love yours.

B:I purchased mine from IKEA.

A:Is IKEA affordable?

B:Not at all, but you get what you pay for.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/209761/292124203.html


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