摘要: 日前,安全研究机构BlueBox发现了一把能使网络窃贼无限制访问任何安卓手机的“万能钥匙”。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
A "master key" that could give cyber-thieves unfettered access to almost any Android phone has been discovered by security research firm BlueBox.
The bug could be exploited to let an attacker do what they want to a phone including stealing data, eavesdropping or using it to send junk messages.
The loophole has been present in every version of the Android operating system released since 2009.
Google said it currently had no comment to make on BlueBox's discovery.

文中的###master key就是“万能钥匙”的意思。master的原意为“主人”,但在不同语境下解释不同,船上的master就是“船长”(mast 船桅);文坛中的master就是“大师”;学院里的master是“院长”;而学位证上的master就是“硕士”。master key字面意思是“主人的钥匙”,意译为“万能钥匙”,有了这把钥匙,就像成了主人一样,可以为所欲为了。
另外,cyber-thief是“网络窃贼”的意思。前缀cyber-跟“网络”有关,又如cyberattack 网络攻击;cyberbanking 网上银行;cybercafe 网吧;cybercitizen 网民;cybershop 网上购物等。