How to keep healthy How to keep healthy初二英语作文

英语作文是对学生综合能力考核最彻底的一类题型,对单词的掌握、对语法的熟悉程度、谴词造句的能力都会在写作文的水平中体现的一览无余。都说身体是革命的本钱,那我们到底应该怎样保持身体健康呢?下面是小编为你整理的How to keep healthy初二英语作文,希望你喜欢!

How to keep healthy初二英语作文篇1

Everyone wants to keep in good health.How to keep healthy? Let me tell you.

First, you should have a healthy lifestyle.not eat to much foods with lots of sugar and fat。eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. but do not overeat。You must try to eat less meat and junk food,because they are bad for your health.

Second ,You should take exercise and drink milk every day..Go to bed and get up early is also good for this. All ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each day ,and we should exercise regularly, because“life depends on exercise”. Regular exercise can keep us healthy,In addition, it prevents us from putting on weight.

If everyone is to do so, there will be much less complaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our life.

How to keep healthy初二英语作文篇2

As we know, keeping healthy is important to us. But what should we do to keep healthy? First, we should get up early. We should eat healthy food, drink a lot of water and do more exercise. Foods can give us energy. Doing exercise can make us strong.

How to keep healthy How to keep healthy初二英语作文

Second, we should change clothes often, wash hands often, keep the air fresh and clean and do house cleaning often to stop germs from getting into our bodies. You shouldn’t keep long fingernails.

At last, we should go to see a doctor at once if we don’t feel well.

How to keep healthy初二英语作文篇3

Heaith is the most important in our life. But how can we keep fit? I think we can do the following: first of all, doing exercises often helps to build up our body; secondly, we'd better have a good diet, because fine food can do good to us; thirdly, we should have a good living habit- especially health habit; and finally, we need to have a goog rest, not making yourself too tired. As long as we can pay attetion to the importance of health and do the above, it will not be difficult to keep healthy.

How to keep healthy初二英语作文篇4

In our life, many students like to eat westen foods. These foods taste very good, but they are not good for our health. And many students only eat their favourite foods. It's not good for our health, too. How can we keep healthy? First, we should eat more fruits and vegetables.And also we need to eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet will give us lots of energy. Secondly, we should do some exercise.That can make our body strong. Thirdly, we should get up on time and go to bed on time. If people follow these three ways of keeping fit, they greatly improve their health.


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How to keep healthy How to keep healthy初二英语作文

英语作文是对学生综合能力考核最彻底的一类题型,对单词的掌握、对语法的熟悉程度、谴词造句的能力都会在写作文的水平中体现的一览无余。都说身体是革命的本钱,那我们到底应该怎样保持身体健康呢?下面是小编为你整理的How to keep he

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