四年级英语故事短文 四年级英语故事短文精选

四年级英语故事短文 四年级英语故事短文精选


四年级英语故事短文:Art in the Community


Tanya's school held an art competition. Thecompetition was to design an art project using thetheme “community”. The person that won wouldreceive funding to make their art piece.


Tanya left school and walked home with her minddeep in thought about the project. On the way home, she saw an elderly man in torn oldclothes removing some things from the garbage. Tanya saw the man's cart was full oftreasures that he had found in the garbage.


She knew the man was homeless. Tanya's mind went back to her school project. Suddenly, shehad an idea. She ran the rest of the way home, excited to get on the computer and start typingout her idea. The following morning she walked up to the teacher and handed in her proposal.


The teacher read the heading: Community Mural. An invitation for the homeless, youth at riskand minority to bring color to the neighborhood. By Tanya Livingstone.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/211861/49937959.html


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