山竹的英文怎么读 椰子的英文怎么读

汉语解释:名:Cocos nucifera L. )棕榈科椰子属植物,植株高大,乔木状,高15-30米,茎粗壮,有环状叶痕,基部增粗,常有簇生小根。叶柄粗壮,长达1米以上。花序腋生,长1.5-2米,多分枝,果卵球状或近球形,果腔含有胚乳(即“果肉”或种仁),胚和汁液(椰子水)。花果期主要在秋季。你知道椰子的英文怎么说吗?



coco ; coconut ; [医] cocoanut ; Cocos nucifera L. ; cokernut

网 络coconut;Cocos nucifera;coconuts;coco



A dessert containing primarily oranges and flaked coconut.


She split open the coconut.



I like to drink coconut juice.


Coconut oil or coconut butter has many applications in aromatherapy.


Coconuts have many health benefits but can be very expensive.


And we can eat seafood and coconuts as much as we want.


Coconut fibre can be made into mats.


He was striking the coconut against the rock.


The stoves can use waste material such as coconut shells as well as wood.


I would stay on the islands and drink coconut milk while polishing my novels.

1. Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries. 椰子是多种咖喱菜的基本成分。

2. We found a bountiful supply of coconuts on the island. 我们发现岛上有充足的椰子供应.

3. I bought a coconut in the market. 我在集市上买了一个椰子.

4. Back on Flatbush Avenue, Pong is busy restocking his shelves with cucumbers and coconuts. 回到弗拉特布什大道上,庞正忙着往货架上补充黄瓜和椰子。

5. The husk of this coconut is particularly strong. 椰子的外壳很明显非常坚固。

6. Coconuts provide " meat ", drink, oil, soap and fiber for fishing line. 椰子提供 “ 肉类 ”, 饮料 、 油脂 、 肥皂和做钓(鱼)丝的纤维.

7. The falling coconut gave him a terrific bang on the head. 那只掉下的椰子砰地击中他的脑袋.

山竹的英文怎么读 椰子的英文怎么读

8. The king feasted his friends on chicken and coconuts. 国王以鸡肉和椰子宴请他的朋友.

9. We feasted on chicken and coconuts. 我们享用了鸡和椰子.

10. He came to the end of his provisions and lived on chickens, fish, andcoconuts. 他吃完了粮食就靠鸡 、 鱼 、 椰子为生.

11. The fire reached the coco - nut palms by the beach and swallowed themnoisily. 烈火已经烧到了海滩边的椰子树林,毕毕剥剥地吞噬着椰子林.

12. Coconuts seem to conjure up images of tropical islands. 椰子令人想到热带岛屿.

13. If you re not afraid, can be put on what a jackfruit. 如果你不怕重的话, 还可以带上个椰子拉!

14. Catch a glimpse of a complete shell of the coconut. 瞥见一个完整的椰子壳.

15. Sago is starch obtained from sago palms, native of India. 西米粉是由印度当地的西米椰子做的淀粉.

16. Coconut is a huge and heavy fruit with very hard skin. 椰子是一种巨大而且很重的水果,还有著很硬的表皮.

17. We Have - Coconut Candy . Coconut Milk Coffee . Coconut Meat Products. 我们生产“椰香村”牌椰子糖,速溶椰子粉,椰奶咖啡粉及椰肉制品. 我们选料考究,精心配制,力求完美.

18. These include cassava, sweet potatoes, yams, taro and coconut. 这些作物包括木薯, 红薯, 山药, 芋头和椰子.

19. This equipment is applied crushing bran shell, coconut shell, which has thesupermicrocrushing effects. 该设备适用于大糠壳, 椰子壳, 谷壳类的粉碎.具有超微粉碎效果.

20. Race your mate and shake your coconut down through the palm tree! 和你的同伴比赛,通过摇棕榈树使椰子下落.


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山竹的功效与作用 怎么挑选山竹

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