5月5日May 5th
5月5日的双语例句1. The exhibition is on at Droitwich until May 24. You can also catch it at Leominster from June 5.
2. UBS final performance report will be released May 5.
3. Please reserve an economy class ticket to Washington, D . C . on May 5 th.
4. On May 5 th, we submit to you our sample of special suiting.
5月5日, 我方寄上特种西装料样品.
5. I received an unsigned letter dated form May 5 th, 1972.
6. Karl Marx was born in Trier , Germany in May 5, 1818.
卡尔·马克思于1818年5月5日出生在德国 特里尔城.
7. A joint communique was issued on May 5.

8. On May 15, 2007, Happy T release 5.0.
2007年5月15日, 逍遥笔5.0发布.
9. The steamer will due in Yokohama on the morning of the 5 th May.
10. German Chinese Sha comes enlightened Shanghai Frankfurt daily scheduled flight rises from May 5, 2001.
11. On May 5 th Mr Aziz reminded journalists that the government could declare a state of emergency.
12. This also is South Korea's public holiday, decides in every year on May 5.
这也是韩国的公众假日, 定在每年的5月5日.
13. The Dragon Boat Festival: Zongzi, Boat racing, May 5, Qu Yuan, river, egg.
端午节: 粽子, 赛龙舟, 5月5日, 屈原, 长江, 鸡蛋.
14. On May 5 th, 2002 the Tibetan Art Festival, it was officially named as Shangri _ la.
2002年5月5日, 藏族艺术节, 中甸县正式更名为香格里拉县.
15. Australian Chemtrails And Corrupt Scientific Community Commentary By Danny Rosenblum Sydney, Australia 5 - 11 - 4.