关于用英语讲的笑话:A witch joke
Why won't a witch wear a flat caps?
Because there is no point in it!
A witch joke
What is black, old & ugly and has four wheels?
A witch on a skateboard!
A witch joke
What happens to witches when it rains?
They get wet!
A witch joke
Why is the air so clean and healthy on Halloween?
Because there are so many witches sweeping the sky!
A witch joke
What do you call an old hag who lives by the sea?
A sandwitch!
A witch joke
What do you call a witch by the side of the road with her thumb out?
A witchhiker!
A witch joke
What's a witches favorite flower?
A triffid!
A boy was wondering about a photograph in a newspaper. It showed a group of happy and cheering children carrying schoolbags with the caption at the bottom: "On Their Way To School''.
"It must be mistaken, I bet. They must be on their way home after school. I'm sure of this." the boy concluded.
关于用英语讲的笑话:Law, Schmaw!
Two small boys, not yet old enough to be in school, were overheard1 talking at the zoo one day.
"My name is Billy. What's yours?" asked the first boy.
"Tommy," replied the second.

"My Daddy's an accountant. What does your Daddy do for a living?" asked Billy.
Tommy replied, "My Daddy's a lawyer."
"Honest?" asked Billy.
"No, just the regular kind," replied Tommy.
关于用英语讲的笑话:What The Ribs Are For
A little boy goes to the drugstore for some condoms. He goes up to the
pharmacist and asked him, "Sir, can you tell me where the ribbed
condoms are?"
The pharmacist replied, "Son, do you know what condoms are used for?"
"Sure do" replied the boy, "They keep you from getting venereal
"Yes, that's true," said the pharmacist, "but do you know what the ribs
are for?"
The little boy thought for a moment, then looked up at the pharmacist
and replied, "Well, not exactly, but they sure do make the hair on the
backs of them goats stand up."
关于用英语讲的笑话:Silly collection
How many balls of string would it take to reach the moon?
Just one if it's long enough!
What cheese is made backwards?
This match won't light!
That's funny, it did this morning!
What do elves do after school?
If Ireland sank into the sea, what county wouldn't sink?
How do we know that the Earth won't come to an end?
Because it's round!
How did your mum know you hadn't washed your face?
I forgot to wet the soap!