理财产品的英语说法1:financing product
理财产品的英语说法2:financial products
理财产品的相关短语:银行理财产品 Financial Product ; bank financial products
人民币理财产品 RMB finances products
基金理财产品 Financial Products
券商集合理财产品 collection asset management plan
贷款类理财产品 financial products of loans
外币理财产品 Foreign currency financing products
个人理财产品 individual financing products

1. Prudent financial management products to the attention of only bonds, the market.
稳健理财产品的注意力只能转向债券 、 票据市场.
2. How to choose their own foreign exchange management products?
如何选择适合自己的外汇理财产品 呢 ?
3. Conceptions of financing products are coming together with arrival of Olympic Games.
4. Financial products and a seesaw deposits, the banks do trade - offs.
理财产品和存款就像是跷跷板, 银行要做权衡.
5. Another type is the banking and corporate finance short - term joint product launch.
另一种类型,就是银行和企业联合推出的 短期 理财产品.
6. The Construction Bank launched a financial product popular tea Trust investors.
7. Is it new category of application management products to be warmer?
8. Various banks have distributed 52 of credit property managing finances product.
9. This goes without saying that any financial products are risky.
10. Collection of financial products from the broker configuration, the blue - chip is the first selection.
从券商集合理财产品配置来看, 蓝筹股是第一优选.
11. Bank financial products is expected to yield only an estimate, not the final rate of return.
银行理财产品的预期收益率只是一个估计值, 不是最终收益率.
12. This paper presents a discussion on the pricing problem for a DE LI BAO - related financial product.
13. Bond investments are bonds, bond - type financial products and three types of bond funds.
债券投资方式主要有国债 、 债券类理财产品和债券基金三种.
14. In recent months, the bank structured financial products in circulation has been decreasing month by month.
近几个月以来, 银行结构性理财产品的发行量一直呈逐月递减的趋势.
15. Sound financial management products banks is still an indispensable asset allocation investors species.