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![热浪灼灼的意思是什么 横贯的意思是什么](
[traverse horizontally] 横着穿过去
横向贯穿。《新唐书·郭子仪传》:“ 子仪 悉军追,横贯其营。” 宋 司马光 《古诗赠兴宗》:“度矩苟不愆,宠辱徒喧喧。有如清 济 流,横贯长 河 浑。” 杨朔 《黄河之水天上来》:“ 长江 是 中国 最大最长的一条河流,横贯在 中国 的腹部。”
引申为贯串。巴金 《<往事与随想>译后记》:“书中散发着淡淡的哀愁,有时也发出怀疑的嘲笑和悲观的叹息,但横贯全书的始终是作者对未来的坚强信心。”
The first great hurdle is the formidable trans-antarctica mountain range.
Many ended up joining the california gold rush or helping to build the first transcontinental american railroad.
去年中国申请的勘探地点是西南印度洋脊(southwest indian ridge),这一洋脊横贯非洲和南极洲之间的海洋。
China applied last year to explore the site in the southwest indian ridge, which bisects the ocean between africa and the antarctic.
But western intervention in the oil-rich nation has meant that colonel gaddafi's air superiority has vanished, making it highly risky for his troops to move along flat, open desert highways that link east and west.