儿童英语故事朗读 关于英语故事带翻译朗读



A film crew was on location deep in an inland town. One day an Indian went up to the director and said, "Tomorrow thunder." The next day it thundered.


A week later, the Indian went up to the director and said, "Tomorrow windy." The next day, there was a gale.


The director was very satisfied with the Indian's wisdom, and thought he was a superman. So he told his secretary to hire the Indian to forecast the weather and promised a good salary to him.


However, after several successful forecasts, the Indian didn't show up for two weeks.


Finally the director sent for him. "I have to shoot a big scene tomorrow," said the director, "and I'm depending on you. What will the weather be like?"


The Indian shrugged his broad shoulders. "Don't know," he said, "Radio is broken. No broadcasting."

儿童英语故事朗读 关于英语故事带翻译朗读



In the capital of Iceland, Mrs. Brown's old grandfather lived with her and her husband. Everymorning he went for his regular walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for hislunch.


But one morning a police car stopped outside Mrs. Brown's house at twelve o'clock, and twocops helped Mr. Brown to get out. One of them said to Mrs. Brown, “The forgetful oldgentleman lost his way in the park and telephoned to us for help, so we sent a car to bring himhome.” Mrs. Brown was very surprised that she thanked the cops gratefully and they left.


“But, grandfather,” she then asked the suspect old man, “you have been to that park nearlyevery day for twenty years. How did you lose your way there?”


The old man smiled, clapped his forehead and said, “The sunlight is too strong. I merely gottired and I didn't want to walk home. So I went to a phone booth and dialed to the police!”



I love my mom. But it would be hard to deny that I have been somewhat relieved to have 2,000 miles between us since she moved back to Mississippi.

我爱妈妈。但不可否认,自从她搬回密西西比州,我们之间这 2000 英里的距离确实让我松了口气。

My mother is the bipolar product of an anxious Japanese woman and a stereotypical Southern man.


Raised in the South, she was a teenage hippie, minus the politics and plus a country-club membership.


She and my dad the product of a talented salesman and an immaculated housewife moved from Mississippi to Hollywood in the 70s so he could become a professional musician.

她和我爸爸一个才华横溢的推销员和完美主妇二者相加的产物在 70年代便从密西西比搬到了好莱坞,这样做是为了让他成为一名专业音乐人。

In sixth grade, my dad announced their separation and divorce.


It wasn't especially surprising, but I cried, and then thought that living in two places might be fun.


Through the years, my mom has taught me many things, not so much through her words,but through her actions.


I remember watching her bake cheesecakes, hem skirts, efficiently manage departments at Macy's and stand up for her children.


But I also remember my mother twisting words so she'd appear in a more favorable light,spending money she didn't have, choosing “friends” she correctly believed she was above,and investing in weak pride because she lacked confidence in her skills, talents and future.


I remember my mother doing all these things, and I remember my dad explaining her childhood and early adulthood: her emotional abuse, her drug abuse, her promiscuity and her avoidance of therapy and help. I remember my dad reassuring me that I wouldn't “be like my mother”, but I knew that before he said it.


I enjoy life, its belessings and challenges, I am thankful for my abilities, and for the people in life who help where I am weak.


And I realize that the most I share with my mom is a knack for making cheesecake, a talent for taking the wrong exits on freeways, gratitude for our time spent reading and playing together, and thankfulness for an always mutual love.


I love mom: that's never been hard, though it's certainly been a struggle to respect the woman who made so many faulty decisions that led to a nearly hopeless life.


It's still a struggle to think of my mother and not cry for her, and want her to enjoy life.


And because of these things it's tempting to think life is unkind, but stronger than that temptation is the knowledge that my parents have always, and will always, love ,cherish,support, and in two very different ways, teach their children what they can.


Because of this, I know I'm tremendously fortunate.



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