毕业生简历参考模式 英语专业毕业生英文参考简历


Personal Information

Name: yjkbys Gender: male Date of Birth: 1986/02/22

Residency: HuangShi Zip Code: 435002 Career Objective:English Teacher

Home Tel: 086-0714-3809428 Mobile:

Email: Wang Jiang 19860222@163.com Political Background:probationary party member

Leadership Position:the chair of league member

Address: HuBei province HuangShi City Ma Fang village

Work Experience

2005/07-2005/9:commended by dean to be an English private tutor in BeiJing

2006/03--2007/05:QiHui private tutor Center as an English Tutor in XianNing

2007/06-2008/12:as an English Tutor teaching High School student in HuangShi

2007/10-2008/05:as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies

2008/08-2008/12:an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. Huang Shi Branch


2004/09--2007/06 XianNing University English Education Associate

2007/09--2009/06 HuBei Normal Univercity English Bachelor


2006/10--2006/12 No 14 Middle School in HuangShi city English cadet teacher

Language Skills

English excellent Japanese average


2008/03 TEM Level 8 EVIII 0810045236

2007/04 TEM Level 4 EIV 0710075088

2006/06 CET-6 061242066001800

2005/12 provincial Computer Level Test Band1 2005121141345

2004/12 Mandarin Chinese Rating Certificate X1140430787

2007/7 Teacher qualification certificate 20074210730000459


national scholarship

the first ranking scholarship

the second ranking scholarship

3 good’s student

outstanding student leader9 f2 m:

excellent League Member

the second price in teacher skill competition in HuBei Normal University

the first price in normal students’ teaching lesson

毕业生简历参考模式 英语专业毕业生英文参考简历

the third price in students’acqierement

the outstanding price in first term in Telecommunications Cup Resume Competition

Self Assessment

self-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion for education


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/213361/676495383.html


应届毕业生简历范文 石油工程毕业生简历范文

   石油工程毕业生简历范文  姓 名:XX  出生日期:专 业:石油工程  联系电话:  现住地址:陕西省延安市  性 别:男  学 历:本科  毕业学院:延安大学  电子邮件:  邮 编:716000  应聘岗位 胜任能源地矿类及

金融毕业生简历模板 金融英语师范毕业生简历模板

  个人简历  姓名: ___ 性别: ___  婚姻状况:_____ 民族: _____  户籍: ______ 年龄: _____  现所在地:____ 身高: __cm  工作地点:____、____、____  希望岗位:英语教师、英语翻译、英语外教、外语培训、外贸专员  寻

英文个人简历带翻译 英语个人简历

简历是求职者敲开企业大门的拍门砖,企业对求职者的第一印象来自简历,求职者八仙过海各显神通,花尽心思设计具有个性化的简历,以便吸引企业的注意力。以下是小编整理的英语个人简历,以供大家参考。英语个人简历一:Name:miss nationa

大学毕业生简历范文 大学毕业生简历范文图片


土木工程毕业生简历 土木毕业生简历范文3篇

简历是土木工程专业求职者求职时的一份必备资料,今天小编就与大家分享土木毕业生简历范文,仅供大家参考!土木毕业生简历范文(一)姓名:性别: 男民族: 汉族出生日期: 1987年08月25日学历: 本科毕业院校: 同济大学浙江学院所学专业: 土

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