聊天室的英语说法:chat room
聊天室的相关短语:视频聊天室Video Chat
有聊天室 A chat room
会员聊天室 Members Chat Room
聊天室的英语例句:1. I vowed to never go into a chat room again.
2. Well, for most of the time, I stay in the chat room.
嗨, 大部分时间我都在聊天室.
3. Do you often stay in the chat room?
你经常待在聊天室 吗 ?
4. What's your favorite really dirty chat room?
5. BCB 6.0 compile a complete network chat rooms source code.
6. You also be aware that some chat rooms are adult in nature.
7. Some systems also provide special chat rooms , particularly for chats with celebrities.
8. Best of all, our chat rooms are absolutely free!
最重要的是, 我们的聊天室是绝对免费的!
9. Stay connected through message boards, chat rooms, email, and other virtual resources.
通过线上信息留言板, 聊天室, 邮件或其他网络方式和他们保持联系.
10. Youll find many topics after entering the chat room.
11. We will no longer be running an official forum or channel.
12. In an Internet chat room, questions and accusations flew wildly.

在网路聊天室里, 疑问和控诉满天飞.
13. Did you 1 try out the chat rooms yet?
苏:你试过网络聊天室了 吗 ?
14. We are available by Phone, Chat or E - mail throughout the day.
我们可通过电话, 聊天室或电子邮件整个一天.
15. Chat room? I have heard it but I am not into it.
聊天室? 我听说过它但是我不在行.