白云山的英语说法:Baiyun Mountain
白云山相关英语表达:广州白云山 Baiyunshan of Guangzhou
白云山制药公司 Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Company
白云山的英语例句:1. Baiyun, flower market and some parks and gardens. enjoy it!
白云山 、 花市 以及各大小公园、花园.
2. Yes, I mean to climb the Baiyun Mountain next week.
是的, 我打算下个星期去爬白云山.

3. Lu Hu Park Add : South , Baiyun Moutain Tel : 83507074.
4. Baiyunshan A staff member told reporters.
5. Now all of them are invited to Baiyun station. You can call up for further inquiry.
现一干干人等被请去白云山所在分局, 大家可致电查询事态进展.
6. I spent a lot of time among the forests of Baiyun mountains during the holiday.
7. Mt Baiyun taoist temple locates in Jia County , northern of Shanxi Province, builded in Ming dynasty.
白云山庙位于陕西省佳县, 建造于明万历年间,是西北地区现存规模最大的道教建筑群.
8. Baiyun Mountain Area in the south, can take a panoramic of the area.
位于白云山风景区南麓, 登高可眺望市区全景.