英语留学申请书范文 留学英语面试范文



What’s your favourite subject?

My favourite subjects are mathematics and English.

Plenty of people consider maths a boring subject. However,from my point of view, it is quite interesting. For one thing, without maths, a lot of questions can’t be explained. Even in this room, the chairs, desks, the frame of the room…almost everything is related to maths. Besides, most subjects need the help from maths because maths is the basis for us to know the world. Before we learn physics, chemistry and biology, we need to learn maths first. The most important point is maths is an amazing tool that not only makes me have a general knowledge of the world, but also enables me to think in a logical way. In the future, I want to choose maths as my major and solve some practical problems.

I also like English very much. At the beginning, I just thought the pronunciation of English was so different from Chinese. Gradually, I fell in love with this subject. I think English is not just a subject. I consider it as a bridge which connects me to the world. Now I start to read some world’s famous works in English. My favorite one is


What do you usually do in your spare/free time?

In my spare time, I always play badminton with my friends and I enjoy watching sporting events on TV or through the Internet. I also have great fun in reading all kinds of books. Furthermore, I keep a close eye on

national and international news. And my strong point is dancing. I’ve learned Chinese folk dance for 8 years. Dancing enriches my spare time life and enable me to have a better state.


Why do you want to come to Singapore?

Most Chinese people know that education in Singapore is excellent. I surfed the internet and found that Singaporean students consistently rank in the top five in the world in the two major international assessments of mathematics and science knowledge. My favorite subject is maths , so I really want to study in Singapore. If I can come to Singapore, I will do my best to overcome difficulties and make every effort to make progress in my studies.


Which subject do you think was the easiest one and which was the most difficult one for you?

英语留学申请书范文 留学英语面试范文

For me, the easiest one was maths exam. My favorite subject is maths and I’m really good at it. And the most difficult one was biology. If the exam was in Chinese, it wouldn’t be a problem for me. I think it’s difficult because there were so many specialized words. So the major task for me in this summer holiday is to remember specialized words in all subjects.


Can you introduce your family members?

Yes. There are four members in my warm family: my father, my mother, my cute dog of 2 years old and me. My father is a hard-working man. He works as a doctor. He always tries his best to help every patient and make patients comfortable. My mother is an administrative staff in a university. She’s too busy everyday. So I will help her with housework on weekends. And my cute dog-qiqi, she is my best friend. When I study at home, she always watch me silently to wait for me. When the homework is finished, we usually go out to play. I have a happy family. I love my family members.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/213861/182526316.html


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