英语口语的广泛应用使能够熟练掌握英语口语技能的综合性人才越发得到社会的认可和青睐,因此大学英语口语教学在培养综合全面的人才方面和推进中国对外交流方面都起到了举足轻重的作用。小编精心收集了关于打电话留言的英语对话 ,供大家欣赏学习!
Frank:This is Frank speaking. May I ask who is calling?
Jane:This is Jane. I would like to speak with Mr. Wang, please。
Frank:I’m sorry, he’s not here at the moment. He’s gone to the International Business Center。
Jane:When do you expect him back?
Frank:I’m not sure. He didn’t say when he’d return. If you’d like, you can leave him a message, and he’ll get back to you the moment he’s free。
Jane:Yes, thank you. When he gets back, please let him know that Jane called and I need him to call me back。
Frank:Does he have your number?
Jane:Yes, he does. But I’ll give it to you again, 5-2-6-4-4-5-3-6.
Frank:That was 5-2-6-4-4-5-3-6, right?
Jane:Yes. Thank you very much。
Frank:You’re welcome。
Steven is giving a call to Mr. Brown, but Mr. Brown is not in, so he asks for leaving a message.
Steven: Hello? This is Steven. I'd like to speak to Mr. Brown, please.
Mrs. Brown: I'm afraid he is not in at the moment.
Steven: Then what time do you think he will be in?
Mrs. Brown: I suppose he won't come back until 6 p.m. By the way, do you want to call later, or would you like to leave a message?
Steven: I'd like to leave a message. Please ask him to give me a call as soon as he returns. He has my number.
Mrs. Brown: Okay, I'll do that.
Steven: Thank you. Bye-bye!
Mrs. Brown: You're welcome, bye!
A:Hello. Thank you for calling McKay Publishing. This is Paula Abernathy speaking. How may I help you?
B:May I please speak to Mr. Erickson?
A:I’m sorry, Mr. Erickson isn't here at the moment. I can take a message and make sure he gets back to you when he returns to the office.
B:Okay. Please tell him that Bernie Mackey called.
A:Mr. Mackey, would you mind spelling your name for me?
B:B-E-R-N一I-E M-A-C-K-E-Y.
A:Good. Thank you. And what company did you say you were calling from?
B:I’m calling from Benson Books. I wanted to speak with Mr. Erickson about the contract he sent to me last week.
A:When would be a good time for Mr. Erickson to return your call?

B:He can call me back before 5 pm today, or call me tomorrow if he doesn't get back before then.
A:What number can Mr. Erickson reach you at?
B:My office number is 880-989-8976. He can call me there. Or my cell phone number is 880-987-8787. Either one is fine. It's not that urgent, though, if he doesn't get back to me today, no big deal.
A:Let me confirm this with you one more time. Your name is Bernie B一E- R-N一I一E, Mackey M-A-C-K-E-Y, calling from Benson Books. You would like to speak to Mr. Erickson about the contract he sent you last week. You can be reached at 880一989-8976, or you cell phone at 880-987-8787. He can call you before 5 pm today or tomorrow. Is that correct?
A:您好,感谢致电McKay出版社。我是Paula Abernathy。有什么我可以帮 您的吗?
B:好的。请告诉他Bernie Mackey给他打过电话。
A : Mackey先生,您介意拼写一下您的名字吗?
B:B-E-R-N一I一E M-A-C-K-E-Yo
A : Erickson先生什么时间给您回电话比较合适呢?
A:我跟您再确认一下。您的名字是Bernie:B-E-R-N-I-E;Mackey : M-A-C-K-E-Yo您来自Benson图书公司,您想和Erickson先生谈有关他上周发的合同的事情。他可以拨打880-989-8976或您的手机880-987-8787联系到您。他可以在今天下午5点钟之前或者明天打给您。对吗?