外企简历范本 外企采购主管英文简历范本

采购,是指企业在一定的条件下从供应市场获取产品或服务作为企业资源, 以保证企业生产及经营活动正常开展的一项企业经营活动。今天小编要与大家分享:外企采购主管的英文简历范本。具体内容如下:

外企采购主管(英文)简历Purchasing SupervisorStrength

·Excellent material planning and purchasing skills.

·Outstanding supplier base development and management capability.

·Master of MRP.

·Valuable inventory control experience and skills.


Name: Stella Li Gender:Female Date of Birth:August 23th,1975

Martial Status:Married Email Address:stellali@chinahr.com

Tel:(010)67183945-7869 Mobile Phone:13911216789


08/1999 - 08/1999 XXXX Technology Co., Ltd Purchasing supervisor

·Mainly engaged in supplier approval, rating and development and supplier management.

·Supervising a team to perform purchasing activities and tracking their performance.

·Leading the local sourcing in China and driving the on-going cost reduction plan.

·Ensuring the supply pipeline to maintain the www.jianli-sky.com production, while the inventory is under control.

·Purchasing procedure update and value-added process implementation.

·Be sensitive to the worldwide supply market and identify potential supply risks from vendors and take action accordingly.

1997/02 - 1999/07 XXXX Senior Purchaser

·Vendor selection and development, price & terms negotiation and allocation update.

·On-going cost reduction with vendors via raw material price negotiation, vendor product cost composition analysis and other source benchmarking, to meet/exceed target.

·Material supply assurance & inventory control.

·Vendor performance evaluation and quality improvement.

外企简历范本 外企采购主管英文简历范本

--As I perfectly controlled the material quality and delivery time,the sales department was strongly supported and orders were shipped on time and without shortage and effeciently reduced wastage. The total sales amount was raised from ganji.3 Million USD to 5 Million USD, enlarged business scope and attracted big customers.

1996/08 - 1997/01 XXX Purchaser

·Base on MRP to release orders and track the delivery.

·Coordinate with related function for new vendor approval and ECO control.


01/07/1996 JiangSu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang, China

Automobile and Tracker design and manufacture Bachelor


Computer Auto CAD, Lotus Notes user








爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/214561/135478865.html


交了定金迟迟没车 采购主管为何迟迟不下定单?

从离开统一分配的工作单位开始,10几年来,无论去什么企业,采购管理似乎成了我必须的工作内容。    很多之前的供应商朋友回味性地问我:作为采购主管,你当时是怎么想的?为什么迟迟不给我们新供应商定单?    是呀,我在审批新采购合

计算机专业个人简历 计算机专业个人简历范本

   计算机专业个人简历范本  :xxx  出生日期:1985-10-02 性  别:男  婚姻状况:未婚 身  高:180厘米  体  重: 65公斤  求职意向描述_应聘岗位:系统工程师/网管 技术经理/项目经理 客服部经理/副经理 技

应届毕业生简历范本 2016年应届毕业生个人简历范本

   关于2016年应届毕业生个人简历范本大全  2016年应届毕业生个人简历大全(一)  某某某  性 别: 女  毕业院校:某市理工大学  出生年月:197x年3月3日  专业:工业企业管理 (本科)  通信地址:某某省某市某镇某

2017年小升初简历范本 2017年事业单位个人简历范本

   关于2017年事业单位个人简历范本大全   事业单位个人简历范本一  姓  名: 国籍: 中国  目前所在地: 天河区 民族: 汉族  户口所在地: 河源 身材: 158 cm 47 kg  婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 27  培

应届毕业生简历范本 毕业生简历自我介绍范本

   毕业生简历范本  大学期间我有刻苦钻研的精神,上我乐于与同学老师沟通,努力的协调人际关系,生活态度乐观。在社团活动中积极参与,有较强的团队合作精神。兼职工作中,具备诚实守信,工作积极,力求更好的品格,及时做好领导分配的

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