开学典礼演讲稿 范文 2015开学典礼英文演讲稿范文


  good morning, students, and welcome to the university. i'd like to begin with some information about graduate student housing, and then ]'il turn this session over to dr. pauling, who will explain some of the finafieial support services we offer to graduate students.

  first of all, i hope you have a smith time gettingsettled here. i know that finding housing is often difficult. so let me give you some information that might help you. i know that several of you have already moved into our new graduate student unit. it's located on the west side of the campus. in this build!ne, four students share dining and living rooms, kitchen, two bathrooms, and four single bedrooms, we do have a few more empty rooms, so if you're interested in moving in, let me know right away.

  if you haven't visited the family-student housing complex, be sure to go take a look at it. this small community has two-bedroom unfurnished apartments.

  they're on the south side of campus, near the downtown bus stop. unfortunately, ail apartments are full now, and we have a waiting list for next year. come me me ff you want to add your name to thc list. you should apply as soon as possible for next year.

  if you want to live off campus and are still taking for a house, be sure to check out the off-campus housing office. you'll find a lot of rentals listed there.

  now let me turn this over to dr. paulson. he will explain some things about the financial aid program.


开学典礼演讲稿 范文 2015开学典礼英文演讲稿范文

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/2145671/485130555.html


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   开学典礼一:  各位领导、各位老师、各位同学:  大家好!  过了一个愉快的寒假,我们迎来了新学年的开学典礼。在这里我向全体同学表达我最美好的祝愿:祝愿大家身体健康、学业有成!  新学期开始,我们的校园处处洋溢着

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  各位老师、家长、同学们:  大家上午好!  年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。且看栀子花开日,又是一年毕业时。  非常荣幸,我能够作为教师代表,在这个隆重的时刻,向xx届全体毕业生表示热烈的祝贺!祝贺你们圆满完成学业,从此迈向

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  尊敬的各位领导、敬爱的老师们、可爱的孩子们:  大家好!  今天,我们怀着无比喜悦的心情,在这里隆重举行城关小学xx级学生毕业典礼,我代表全体老师,向在座的400多名同学表示热烈地祝贺!向辛勤耕耘的班主任、任课教师表示衷心的

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