餐厅吃饭英文情景对话 餐厅英文情景对话阅读



A: Welcome, what would you like to order?

餐厅吃饭英文情景对话 餐厅英文情景对话阅读

B: I would like to get a double cheeseburger.

A: Would you like everything on it?

B: I would like everything on it, thank you.

A: Do you want any fries?

B: Let me get some large curly fries.

A: Can I get you anything to drink?

B: Sure, how about a medium Pepsi?

A: Is that everything?

B: That'll be all. Thanks.

A: You're welcome, and your total is $5.48.

B: Thank you. Here you go.


A: So, how did you like the restaurant?

B: I thought that it was very good.

A: I felt the food was excellent.

B: What did you like the best?

A: I liked the fish the best.

B: I liked the fish also, but I really enjoyed the dessert the most.

A: Yes, the macadamia cakes were wonderful.

B: Wasn't the service top-notch?

A: Yes, the waiter was very attentive.

B: I hope to be able to come back to this restaurant soon.


A: Do you want some dessert?

B: No thanks. We just need our check. Have you seen the waitress?

A: Where is our waitress anyway?

B: Yes, the service hasn't been the best. Is that our waitress over there?

A: I'll walk over and get the bill, since I don't think the waitress is coming over here any time soon.

B: Good idea. Just bring it back and we'll figure it out together.

A: So the bill is $36.00.

B: How much do you think we should leave for a tip?

A: My first inclination is to leave nothing for a tip.

B: I agree, but we don't really know the whole story. There may have been problems in the kitchen beyond her control.

A: Let's leave 10%, so that we at least leave something for the service.

B: I agree. We will leave $3.60 for the tip.


A: Do you want some dessert?

B: No thanks. We just need our check. Have you seen the waitress?

A: Oh, here comes our waitress with our check.

B: The service here has been really great, don't you think?

A: Yes, the service was quite good.

B: So, let's look at the check. The total is $36.00.

A: How much do you think we should leave for a tip?

B: Usually people leave 15%, but this was exceptional service. I am thinking that maybe 20% would be appropriate.

A: I agree that 20% would be just about right.

B: OK, so that will bring her tip to $7.20. Add it to the $36.00 and the total is $43.20.

A: Yes, what a nice dinner that was!

B: We'll have to make sure to come back here again real soon.


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