求职英语口语对话:面试第一印象A: Hello, Nancy, nice to see you.
B: Nice to see you, too.I heard you are a staff of Nokia company.
B:见到你我也很高兴。我听说你已经是诺 基亚公司的职员了。
A: Yes, I’m satisfied with this job.
B: Congratulations. What did you do during the interview?
A: Pay more attention to the External expressions, because they are important for the first impression. Good manner and style of conversation can let other feel your good selfcultivation. Good gestures and mien can let other feel very comfortable.
A:应该多注意一下外在表现,因为他们对 于第一印象非常重视。好的举止和谈吐 能让别人感觉到你的修养,好的姿态和 神情会让别人感觉非常舒服。
B: How can I have the good external expressions?
A: Don’t worry about that. You just pay more attention to the details of people’s action in life, and you will know how to transfer information by their body language.
A:不要担心,你只要在生活中多注意一下 人们行动的细节,就会知道他们怎样通 过他们的身体语言来传递信息。
求职英语口语对话:面试时怎样才能留下好印象A: How do I make a good impression in the interview?
B: You should try to put your best foot forward, and be careful of your personal appearance. At least you should get yourself dressed up. Appearance isnt everything, but ifs the first thing an interviewer notices about you.
B:你应该尽量表现自己的长处,并且注意 你的外表。至少你要穿着整齐。外表不 代表一切,但它是面试官最先注意你的 地方。
A: Anything else?
B: Don’t boast and don’t be modest.
A: What do you mean by this? You can’t do the two things at the same time.
A:这是什么意思呢?这两点谁也不能同时 做到。
B: Appear confident and show the interviewers that you’re competent. Don’t exaggerate things or you'll give the impression that you’re talking big.
B:你要表现得自信,让面试官感到你有能 力。不要言过其实,否则会让人感到你 在吹牛。

A: I see.
B: Try to be natural, alert and interested.
A: You’ve given me very valuable advice and I have more confidence in myself now. Thank you very much.
A:你给了我许多有价值的建议,我现在对 自己充满了信心。非常感谢。
B: My pleasure. Good luck to you.