双语晚会主持词 圣诞晚会双语主持词







男:今天,华灯闪烁的华美学园中期盼已久的熊博士和圣诞老人又向我们走来了. 女:here comes the santa claus!


女:let`s welcome the santa claus with the cheerful singing and dancing performed by huamei kindergarten children! 谢谢32名小朋友和全体幼儿园教师带给我们节日(喜洋洋)的心情和气氛.

(2) 女:你喜欢唱歌吗 男:那当然! 女:那你喜欢唱什么歌 男:那还用问,流行歌. 女:可这些歌适合我们唱吗 男:这......确实是个问题,不如我们来听听他们是怎么说的吧!请欣赏群口相声(哪有我们能唱的歌).

(3)男:在全校的几十个课外兴趣小组中,木琴小组是一个多月前才成立的.但我们的小学生已经想向大家汇报了.这次他们将和钢琴,电子琴的同学合作.大胆尝试民族乐和西洋乐相结合. 女:xylophone performing group was just established one month ago, but our players are eager to show us their talents and achievement. now, they will cooperate with the students playing piano and electronic keyboard to present us a creative integration of local and western music. please appreciate the instrumental ensemble— 请欣赏乐器合奏 ( 乌苏里船歌)( 快乐的罗嗦),让我们用掌声鼓励这些初次登台的同学们.

(4)(here comes santa claus) 下一个幽默,短小具有西方风情的舞蹈将由来自三大洲的演员们献上.我相信,你们一定猜到他们就是今年刚刚入学的小学部国际班的同学们.

(5)女:手牵手我的朋友,爱永远在你左右,因为你和我,才有明天的彩虹; 手牵手我们共同走过人生的风雨历程,母校啊,你见证我们的成长! 今天我们迎来了几十名校友,他们有的刚从海外大学回到家乡,有的白天还在国内的名校教室中刻苦攻读.93级--95级同学与中学部高二同学联合演唱的(手牵手),将为我们牵出今夜归来的校友,牵出他们给母校华美的祝福和问侯.

(6) 男:华美是学园,乐园.我们在这里学习生活,享受着无尽的欢乐与温馨.看!我们的快乐英语是我们的好朋友.请欣赏小学英语戏剧(狮子王) 女:huamei is a

paradise for us to learn and enjoy life. we are here happily growing physically and mentally, with teachers' and students' love and caring. look, here come our good friends---happy english group. let's appreciate their english play " lion king".

(7)女:小小天鹅初长成,欲展舞姿献客人. 男:经过4年的努力学习,她们终于掂起脚尖,,, 女:看,一群美丽,高贵的小天鹅向我们们走来了.请欣赏芭蕾舞(海盗)片段:花园圆舞曲. 男:look, some little swans are flying toward us to show us their elegant and graceful dancing. let's enjoy an episode from the classical ballet (海盗)

(8)男:有音乐的地方就有欢乐,有音乐的地方就有新的希望. 让我们从多来咪出发,

去寻找音乐带给我们的欢乐与希望. 请欣赏阎颖老师带领全体幼儿园大班小朋友表演的电影(音乐之声)片段(多来咪). 女:where there is music, there is joy; where there is music, there's hope. let's start with do re me to explore the joys and hopes. now let's welcome the kindergarten kids to perform do re me, adapted from the famous movie---the sound of music。



Li: Greetings to all distinguished guests and friends


Li: Ladies and Gentlemen


Li: Good Evening to all of you


Li: We would like to welcome all of you to the 2010 Vanqun Jubilee Evening to celebrate a joyful Christmas Eve tonight. My name is Cao, I will serve as your co-host tonight,


Li: And my name is Chen, and I will serve as your other co-host.


Li: Tonight under a brilliant night, bathed in sparkling star lights, we have gathered here tonight to share a wonderful time together


Li: The evening is ablaze with lights, and the night shines with colorful brilliance, this is indeed a joyful time for all of us to be gathered together of the night


Li: During our company’s seven-years journey, we managed to maintain our smile while weathering many stormy rains


Li: During our company’s seven yearly seasons, we managed to saw the seeds of trust and reap many sunny days


Li: Today, under the brilliant lights of Vanqun City, we wait with anticipation the arrival of Santa Claus, bearing cheers and joy


Li: Let us all rejoice in songs and laughter in welcoming the blessings of Santa Claus


Li: At this auspicious moment of the arrival of the new year, we would like to wish all our beloved property owners and distinguished guests long lasting health, happiness to the entire family, and a Merry Christmas! 曹:真挚的旋律诉不完翩翩的回忆,七彩的霓虹点缀着迷人的夜,在这一年一度平安夜夜晚,在这吉祥如意喜庆的日子里,非常高兴能够与各位业主欢聚一堂,共同参加‖一起来,圣诞狂欢!―暨2010年万泉城社区嘉年华晚会。幸福就在我们身边,这座以成熟的姿态,锻造出自然、人文共生的巴厘假日海滨生活的―花时间一生之城‖,将在今天为我们贮存这杯温馨红酒,让它愈久靡香。今天,在这个激动人心的时刻里,让我们用最热烈的掌声有请:万泉房产的领导诉说这座―灯亮,花开,水流,人和―之城的心声。有请万泉房地产开发有限公司总经理走上舞台致欢迎辞!掌声有请!

Li: An enchanting melody can rekindle endless memories, colorful neon lights can illuminate the most mesmerizing night. On this peaceful and festive night, we are happy to be able to gather here with all our honored property owners to celebrate the annual Christmas event sponsored by Vanqun City. Happiness is abounding in this well-planned, nature-inspired ―City of Flowers‖ which is very much in the class of the famous and tranquil Bali holiday beach life. We will be merry and enjoy the exquisite and lasting flagrance of red wine. Tonight, in this exciting moment of celebration, let us put our hands together and give a warm and enthusiastic welcome to the Chairman of Vanqun City to come on stage to say a few words of encouragement and greetings. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the general manager!


3. Vanqun City general manager, Mr. Yang’s Speech (19:50)


Li: Thank you General Manager Yang. During the past seven years, Vanqun City has made significant

inroads into the real estate market, a successful phenomenon that is clear for all to see. We have successfully built a city of leisure and luxury, a paradigm of Beihai’s tourist and real estate development industry. We have established not only a place of abode, but have fostered a paradise wonderland for a multi-colored living, a warm and cozy hearth, and a life-time of home sweet home.

双语晚会主持词 圣诞晚会双语主持词


4. Performances (19:55 – 21:10)


Choir Singing (Christmas Carol) (Snow Flakes Flower) – By the Little Friends

2.歌舞,小提琴独奏——【外国嘉宾】(20:10 20:20)

2. Song and Dance, Violin Solo Performance – By Foreign Guest Performer

3.乐队演奏 生日祝福——【123乐队】(20:30)

3. Band Performance Birthday Wishes – by 123 Band (20:30)


Li: In the warm bosom of Vanqun City, the world of the children is beautiful and pure, tonight Vanqun City is equally pure and tranquil, so let us all immerse in the tranquility of the night, let the sparks of our emotion ignite the passion of our life, and let us all enjoy the exciting performance of these lovely children, who will now help us to open the first program of this evening’s Christmas festivities!

陈:谢谢小朋友们送来的如此美妙的歌声!圣诞节是个普天同庆的节日。它超越了国界,超越了种族,超越了你我的心灵。只要完美的音乐和动人的舞姿才能沉淀出它的光芒。让我们承载无尽的祝福,用有力的步伐登上狂欢圣诞,为万泉的明天书写上绚丽一笔。让我们从这里出发,和外国朋友们一起寻找圣诞歌舞带给我们的欢乐与希望。请欣赏外国嘉宾为我们带来的歌舞及小提琴独奏,来!掌声有请——歌舞,小提琴独奏【外国嘉宾】(20:10 20:20)

Li: Thank you kids for giving us such beautiful singing performance. Christmas season has become a universal holiday celebration. It transcends national boundaries, cultural ethnicities, and infiltrates our hearts and souls. The beautiful music in combination with elegant dancing precipitates in the brilliance of the performance. Let us all rejoice and enjoy the boundless cheers, while we march forward to greet Vanqun for a brilliant tomorrow. In fact, let us begin from this moment in welcoming our friends and guests from foreign land who will perform for us a dance and a solo violin recital. Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a big hand to --- (name of the performers)


我们要把真诚的祝福,浓缩在圣诞老人送来的甜蜜蛋糕和礼物中,在此安谧的节日,送给今天和本周呱呱坠地过生日的人们. 让我们和衬着红杉皓须的慈爱老人一起,祝愿他们快乐永远!天天好心情!

Li: Thank you our overseas friends for presenting such as a wonderful and exciting performance for all of us to enjoy. Now, friends and guests, at this juncture, we would like to give our sincere gratitude to Santa Claus for giving the delicious cake and wonderful gifts to all the lucky folks who were born and celebrating their birthdays during this week. Along with Santa Claus, let us all wish them all the best and eternal happiness! 陈:是的,我们想要您在新的一年,开心天天!祝福减祝福,是祝福的起点!

Chen: Yes indeed, we wish that with the arrival of a brand new year, all of you will be cheerful and happy always. This is will be the beginning of many many happy returns!


Cao: Happiness multiplied by happiness equals infinite happiness. Happiness divided by happiness equals a singular, priceless happoiness.

合:祝福您新年快乐,幸福平安!——乐队演奏 生日祝福【123乐队】(20:30)

Li: Let us all wish you: A Happy New Year, and Peace and Harmony! -- Band plays Happy Birthday song.


5. Family Game Playing


1. Family Game

2.绣球传情 20:45

2. Passing of Mitten Ball


Li: Do you like to watch beautiful models walking on the runway?


Li: Of course. Attractive girls and handsome guys gathering together, what a treat!


Li: Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you are all in for a treat when we present our next program, which is a fashion show where beautiful and handsome models will parade right before your own eyes, and show off the colorful and latest fashions. Are you all ready to see the show?


Li: Yes, not only are we ready, we cannot wait for the show to get started. So without further ado, please give a warm welcome to our beautiful models. (Model will show off fashions on stage)



Li: Wow , that was quite an extravaganza! We have just witnessed a unique style of catwalk – casual but elegant; a special kind of stage presence – subtle yet energetic; an extraordinary presentation – enormously pleasing to the eyes and the senses!


Li: You have done a lot of talk, now it is your turn to show some actions. Are you prepared to present a special kind of performance to us?


Li: Well, I am prepared to present a kind of dating game to the audience. Audience, I guess most of you have seen the movie: ―If You Are the One‖ or ―Let’s go on a Date‖?



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/216061/89818870.html


圣诞节主持词开场白 圣诞晚会主持词、开场白、结尾、串词

   圣诞晚会主持词、开场白、结尾、串词  乐队音乐转为激烈,二十秒。灯光全部打亮,主持人上场。  男:火树银花、夜色阑珊、流光溢彩、星河灿烂!  女:圣诞的祝福、激情的狂欢、璀璨的灯火、欢乐的盛宴! 男:尊敬的各位领导

2016年元旦晚会主持词 2015――2016圣诞元旦晚会主持词

   2015——2016圣诞元旦晚会主持词  女:夜色阑珊、流光溢彩  男:星河灿烂、圣诞祝福,亲爱的各位来宾、各位朋友  合:大家晚上好!  女:圣诞佳节喜相逢,平安之夜欢乐多!  男:今天我们在圣诞之际,相约金审大

文艺晚会主持词 公司2015圣诞文艺晚会主持词

   公司2015圣诞文艺晚会主持词  乐队激烈音乐开场,三分钟之后,转为《神秘园》轻柔的音乐。主持人话外音:  男:亲爱的主啊  当我们想起  你在世所经历的苦难,  你一生所受的忧患,  我们怎能不记念,  我们怎能

圣诞节晚会主持词 小学关于圣诞晚会主持词2015

   小学关于圣诞晚会主持词2015  甲:踏着圣诞宁静的钟声,我们又迎来了一个祥和的平安夜;  乙:满怀喜悦的心情,我们即将迎来生机勃勃的xx-xx;  合:在这绚丽多姿的日子里,让我们和圣诞老人一起为你们祝福!  合:各位老师,各

圣诞节晚会主持词 2016年圣诞节圣诞晚会主持词


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