初二英语上册知识点 初二英语上册Module6检检测题



一、 听力测试(满分15分)


1. A. I hope so. B. I’m reading. C. I have a fever.

2. A. I’m Mr Smith. B. Sorry, he isn’t in. C. Who are you?

3. A. He has gone to Shanghai. B. Since she was six years old. C. That’s great.

4. A. Sorry. I’ll do it at once. B. That’s kind of you. C. That’s a good idea.

5. A. Yes, I agree with you. B. Don’t mention it. C. I’m sorry to hear that.


6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


11. Where are Nancy and Amy going?

A. To the park. B. To the zoo. C. To the bank.

12. Which bus should Nancy and Amy take?

A. No. 890. B. No. 980. C. No. 970.


13. What did Jane do this morning?

A. She went shopping. B. She posted a letter. C. She went to the library.

14.Where did Jane leave her cell phone?

A. At home. B. On the bus. C. In a clothing shop.

15.What’s Jane going to do?

A. Call her parents.

B. Go to the police station.

C. Write a notice of Lost and Found.


16. There’s a bird _______in the tree.

A. sing B. sings C. singing D. to sing

17. The girl wasn’t _______to carry the basket of bananas.

A. too strong B. enough strong C. strong enough D. so strong

18. Please be quiet. Our teacher doesn’t allow _______much noise in the classroom.

A. make B. to make C. making D. to making

19. As we all know, sheep feed _______ grass.

A. in B. on C. at D. out

20. In the modern city it was difficult for the old woman from the countryside _______a job.

A. find B. to find C. look D. to look for

21. My sister wants to _______a company when she grows up.

A. give up B. look up C. set up D. pick up

22.In order to _______the sunrise, today all the children got up very early.

A. see B. saw C. seeing D. sees

23. When Robert was a small boy, he _______playing the piano.

A. was interested in B. was good for

C. was good with D. was strict with

24. If farmers _______the land, the animals won’t have any places to live in.

A. took away B. put up C. took off D. put on

25. The American dance made me _______my aunt in Canada.

A. look up B. looked up C. think of D. thought of


Hey, I’m Simon. I have a strong and faithful dog, Bruce. The dog likes 26 with me. Sometimes he also follows my father to work.

One morning when my father worked in the field, he 27 his coat and put it under a big tree. He turned to the dog and said,“ 28 my coat, Bruce!”

Bruce sat down on the coat. Later, my father remembered he had to buy some food. 29 he hurried to the shop. 30 shopping, he went home directly and forgot completely about his 31

and the dog.

In the evening, I looked for my dog 32 in the house, but I 33 find him. At this time, my father suddenly remembered his coat and the dog. He went back to the tree 34 .He found that Bruce was 35 sitting on the coat!

26. A. playing B. dealing C. agreeing D. laughing

27. A. took out B. took off C. took away D. looked after

28. A. Watch B. Look C. See D. Listen

29. A. But B. So C. Because D. Although

30. A. Since B. Before C. After D. Until

31. A. shop B. food C. coat D. toy

32. A. somewhere B. everywhere C. nowhere D. anywhere

33. A. could B. couldn’t C. don’t D. doesn’t

34. A. at once B. after all C. as usual D. other than

35. A. yet B. even C. still D. already

四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20 分)


We all know that Taiwan is considered as the Treasure Island of China. It is very beautiful. Recently we have been closely connected.

Several months ago, a group of 19 Taiwanese children flew to Chengdu in order to begin a tour to study pandas. The middle school children were from Chiayi County in southwest Taiwan and were chosen because of their excellent performances at school.

During the visit, the children saw pandas up close. They were very excited to see so many pandas at the same time. The children also traveled to the Mount E’mei scenic area and met local schoolchildren.

At last, they said, “The pandas are very cute, and we are all happy.” They also said the children in Chengdu were very friendly to them, and they all liked there. They hoped to visit Sichuan again.

36. Taiwan is considered as a _______island of China.

A. valuable B. rich C. beautiful D. all above

37.Why did the group of 19 Taiwanese children come to Chengdu?

A. Because they came to study here.

B. Because they had never been here.

C. Because they flew here for a tour to study pandas.

D. Because they were from Chiayi County in southwest Taiwan.

38.The children had a good chance to visit Chengdu because_______ .

A. they were interested in it

B. they did well at school

C. they were performing different roles

D. they were not from the same country

39.When they visited pandas, the children were quite excited_______.

A. to see so many pandas at a time

B. to climb the Mount E’mei

C. to see pandas

D. to find pandas very cute

40.This passage mainly expresses that_______ .

A. the middle school students in Taiwan must learn about pandas

B. there is a good relationship between the two places

C. the children in Chengdu are very friendly

D. the students in Taiwan are excellent


Lots of people were asking me the same question—How did a 22-year-old woman row(划)a 19-foot boat for 70 days? Well, when I was on the sea alone, the biggest difficulty was the feeling of being lonely.

I started on January 3,2010. More than half the people who tried sailing alone often gave up in the first two weeks, so I decided to finish one-fourth of the sailing first, which took about 20 days.

Day 20th,January 22 came! I said to myself that I should be happy. But I was feeling so bad. It seemed to be the hardest day for me. I didn’t see land for over two weeks. Every day I did the same—rowing, eating, sleeping, watching the sky and the ocean...

Suddenly I saw something breaking through the water near my boat. They were dolphins. They circled my boat and were close enough for me to touch. So I did! Suddenly I felt so moved, they came to say “Hello”, just when I needed it most. I was no longer lonely, believing that I would succeed.

And I made it! All 2,817 miles I got to the coast on March 14,after 70 days and five hours at sea. So the secret of my success is the moment with those dolphins.

41.What was the greatest trouble with the woman when she was on the sea?

A. Getting sick. B. Feeling lonely. C. Getting lost. D. Being thirsty.

42.How many parts did the woman divide her sailing into?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

43.Which part was most difficult for those people who tried sailing alone?

A. The first day. B. The last day.

C. The first two weeks. D. The middle of the trip.

44. The underlined word “dolphin” in the fourth paragraph means “a kind of _______”.

A. friendly animal B. dangerous fish

C. special plant D. beautiful bird

初二英语上册知识点 初二英语上册Module6检检测题

45. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Woman, As Good As Man on the Sea B. An Interesting Task on the Sea

C. Protecting Wild Animals D. Dolphins, the Secret of My Success


46.We should take an active part in _______(保护)environment.

47.Which animals are in_______(危险)? Do you know, Mike?

48.They are doing a lot of_______(研究)to protect animals.

49.We hate war and love the_______(和平).

50.His English teacher looks kind of_______(瘦的).


51. My father got up early so that he could catch the first subway.(改为同义句)

My father got up early_______ _______ _______ catch the first subway.

52. Thanks for taking care of my little son.(改为同义句)

Thanks for_______ _______my little son.

53. The boy needs to see the doctor.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ the boy _______ to see the doctor?

54. Most birds have a safe place to live in.(改为否定句)

Most birds_______ _______ a safe place to live in.

55.To think of that poor man is sad.(改为同义句)

_______ _______to think of that poor man.


目前,老虎数量正在日益减少。为了它们的肉、皮毛,人们捕杀它们。我们这样做是违法的,因为老虎是人类的朋友,我们应该保护它们。请根据以上提示,并结合你的想法,写一篇题为“How to protect tigers”的60词左右的文章。

提示词:illegal adj.不合法的;违法的

How to protect tigers


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/216861/923143183.html


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