英语短篇诗歌 英语短篇诗歌,英语诗歌阅读



When I was a child, my homesickness was a small stamp Linking Mum at the other end and me this.

When grown up, I remained homesick, but it became a ticket By which I sailed to and from my bride at the other end.

Then homesickness took the shape of a grave,

Mum inside of it and me outside.

Now I’m still homesick, but it is a narrow strait

Separating me on this side and the mainland on the other.

小时候 乡愁是一枚小小的邮票 我在这头 母亲在那头

长大后 乡愁是一张窄窄的船票 我在这头 新娘在那头

后来啊 乡愁是一方矮矮的坟墓 我在外头 母亲在里头

而现在 乡愁是一湾浅浅的海峡 我在这头 大陆在那头


Think I Can 我想我能行

If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don't; If you want to win but think you can't; It's almost a cinch you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you're lost; For out of the world we find

Success begins with a fellow's will; It's all in a state of mind.

Life's battles don't always go

To the stronger and faster man,

But sooner or later the man who wins Is the man who thinks he can.

如果你认为你败了,那你就一败涂地; 如果你认为你不敢,那你就会退缩畏葸; 如果你想赢但是认为你不能;


如果你认为你输了,你就输了; 因为我们发现人世间




胜利并非总是属于更强和更快的人, 胜利者终究是



Good better best

Never let it rest

Till good is better

And better best.


I try to do my best each day ,

In my work and in my play ;

And if I always do my best ,

I needn't worry about the test .


Evening red and morning gray,

Send the traveler on his way;

Evening gray and morning red,

Bring the rain upon his head.


The meadow dreams of shadows,

And a young bird dreams of air;

Where I am warmed by dreams of you,

英语短篇诗歌 英语短篇诗歌,英语诗歌阅读

Spring snow holds my stare.


Love is like a lump of gold,

Hard to get, and hard to hold.

Of all the boys I've ever met,

You're the one I can't forget.

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/217061/332358419.html


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英文诗歌短篇 简短英文诗歌欣赏_短篇英语诗歌阅读

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