英语小短文阅读 初中英语文章阅读


初中英语文章阅读:Think What You Are!

Carbon and oxygen taken together, one atom each, gives you the deadly gas carbon monoxide. On the other hand, these very two elements on some other proportion provide us with carbon dioxide, the harmless gas. When these basic elements can behave in this way so can the human mind!

All human beings inhale the air from this very earth, consume nearly the same kind of food and live under the same sky gaining energy from its only source Sun. Then what makes an individual distinct from each other? It's the attitude, the behavior that distinguishes one from other person. The thought process going on in our brains is what differs.

Solely our brains control our body, which in turn controls our living, our peace and happiness and overall progress as an individual. What we input is what we get. What we think is what we develop into. What we feed into our brains is what we get the outcome as. On reaping good thoughts and positive attitude in our minds the good follows. Bad thoughts creeping in should be plucked and thrown off as soon as possible.

Human body takes commands from its brains and works. Our brains are functional always. So any kind of thought nurtured in our brains remain there even when we are not aware of their presence. These thoughts are processed without our conscious and the result follows. These outcomes can change our lives. At times when wrong words are spoken, they remain in our sub-conscious minds, without our awareness, and the wrong follows.

Brain as a physical thing is not aware of what is right and what is wrong. When we think about things in some way and the perspective with what we look at them for the first time remain in our mind. Our mind intends to take this perspective as true and makes way for it to follow. So on thinking well the good happens and wrong thought brings unhappy situations. Human beings learn from the situations faced in life and their thinking is affected by the circumstances faced. This in turn affects the thinking. Thus our life and our thoughts are mutually related. To lead a good life it is desired to think good.

英语小短文阅读 初中英语文章阅读

So is rightly said, "What you think is not what you are… but what you THINK is what you are!"

初中英语文章阅读:Redifine Yourself

How do you difine yourself? As a mother, father, daughter or any one of a myriad different titles? Or do you define yourself by other's perception of you? Do any of these come close to your own knowledge, your personal experience of whom you really are?

In your quiet moments, in times of inexplicable joy, have you had the overwhelming and yet clear and lucid feeling of total invincibility -- a feeling that nothing can hold you down, that you can accomplish anything and everything if you put your mind to it? Well, that feeling is not a random one.

What is ti that gets in the way of your exquisite power?

In fact, the infinite power that is naturally present in each and every one of us by virtue of own consicousness, can be rendered ineffectived if not tended to properly. The stress of our lifestyle, the pollution of our environment, and the collective stress of our world keeps us from functioning at our full potential.

But there are remedies: incorporate modalities in your lifesyle that effectively combat stress and help keep you centered. Some of these opinions are:

Be aware of what you eat, what you use -- both on yourself, and in your environment. Choose natural, organic products.

Live a life of kindness, compassion, and charity -- it keeps you connected to your center, your source, that infinite reservoir within you that is your powerhouse.

Don't judge people, or situation -- approach each moment with the potential of any number of possibilities.

To connect with your real nature that is unbounded and invincible, practice yoga and mediation

Once you are in touch with your true nature, then nothing is beyond your means-- you are truly empowered. And that is an accurate definition of you!

初中英语文章阅读:Kiss of Reality

To talk of illusions, are't they great? Illusion or day dreaming help us to think of what we want to become in life. We literally see how life revolves us in that position. It's an entirely different world of pleasure, comfort and imagination. Most of our day dreaming or illusions make us more and more egocentric. The word ego means self. Hence by dreaming and visualization we become self-centered. We never realize that things we dream of can be achieved by us by programming ourselves to work for it. But somehow the pleasure of dreaming ourselves as someone important takes us away from the realistic approach to achieve that level of self-satisfaction and self-accomplishment.

This leads to an increase in the frustration levels of our mind. Why frustrations? This is because what we are, and what we dream of are totally different. We raise ourselves to a very high pedestal and we see that we are not able to live up to our expectations. And when this happens, we become mentally restless.

The vital solution that will dissolve all our problems is to make up our minds to get realistic. This approach will make us come in terms with reality. And there is no better road to self-improvement rather than the path of reality. When you gauge yourself, you subconsciously make two columns in your mind. One consists of the things that you are good at, and the other consists of the ares where you can improve. And believe it will boost us to work on our weak areas and strengthen them. Fortifying your weak areas will harness your conscience and improve you convert would be to must be. And when someting must happen, it always happens. This new you will improve you for the better and increase your levels of self-esteem.It will change your outlook to things.

I would like to type the thoughts that have just sprung up in my mind. Read and ponder on each line.I admit that it's a sad aim at poetry, but I am allowing my mind to control my typing.

If you want to achieve what you couldn't have

If you want to be what you want to be

If you want to do what you can do,

but aren't doing

If there is a place,you want to be

but haven't been

You will get there, become the one and do it

Cos its all in a state of mind.

Make up your mind and rule the stars.

Control your mind and make your fate.

I hope this conveys my thoughts with clarity. So it's some advice and suggestion to all those eyeballs running through this part of the book, to keep their heads on their shoulders without using heads and shoulders! And believe me guys; you guys have it in you to make it big. Just don't let that teenage iconoclastic habit rule over sense.


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