Dialog one:
W:How's your new job?
M:Relly well,thanks.
W:How're you finding your new boss?
M:She's not bad.She is a big boss but I thought she's a user.
W:Would you rather had her or your old boss back?
M:She's far better than my old boss.He did not know how to express his opinion without putting one other person's down.
W:How about your new co-workers?
M:They are pretty easy going and it's a very friendly place to work.
W:Do you miss your old worker?
M:Of course,it spent so much time at my old place but I got to more very well,they are very friendly to me.
W:SO,peole in different departments get along well with each other.
M:Sure,since we work together in team,we have to get along well with each other.
W:Do you like work in team with people from different departments?
M:Yes,it help everyone to understand what we doing from different perspectives.
W:Do you like work in team?
M:I prefer to work independently.I think most people do .
Dialog Two:
M:How'd your interview go?
W:Pretty well.I don't know if I would get the promotion not but I feel good about it.
M:If you get your promotion,what would your new title be?
W:If I get the promotion,I will be a senior engineer instead of assistant engineer.
M:Will you get a place to?
W:Whenever you have given a responsibility ,you should get a promotion.
M:That makes sense.Who interview you?
W:My boss.
M:What kind of question did she ask you?
W:She ask me about my ability to work in a team,and what I thought a good boss should be?
M:A second one sounds a little different to answer.What did you tell her?
W:I told her I am a excellent team player and a good boss should treat male or female employees equally.
M:Those are good answers.How did she react?
W:She told me that even I become a senior engineer,I had to work with the assistant engineer as a team.
M:What'd you think about your boss?
W:She's pretty easy to get along with.She listen to her employees and treat everyone equally.
M:You're very lucky.NO everyone has such a great boss.
W:That's true.She's highly demended everyone in my company.
M:When you find out you get the promotion or not ,let me know.
W:I will do.
日常英语对话材料训练:The Working Day
Dialogue 1
W:How is your day?
M:Let's start with you. How was yours?
W:It was really busy. I had to work straight through my lunch break.
W:Did you get a leave earlier then?
W:My boss told me that I could either go home earlier or take a long lunch break another day, so I decided to wait and take a long lunch break another time.
M:It was nice your boss give you option. My boss would never do that
W:Let's get back to you. How was your day?
M:That was horrible. It was just one thing after another.
W:Ah, you look pretty upset. Are you ok?
M:I'm fine.but I have a bad news
W:What's that?
M:I got sick today.
W:you are kidding! How did that happen?
M:Well, I was late to work today, It was the third time I was late this week.
W:How late were you?
M:Only about 5 minutes
W:You got fired for being a few minutes late?
M:My boss is really picky about that. He never arrives late. He usually works overtime, and always gets his work done on time.
M:Oh,well. you never really liked your boss anyway, did you?
Dialogue 2
M:What's up? Are you in the middle of something?
W:Yeah, I'm just working on how much money at the end of this month
M:Doesn't your company work that for you?
W:I don't work for a company any more. After I got fired last month, I decided to become self-employed.
M:Really? That's exciting! How do you like it so far?
W:Well, I can wake up whenever I want, and I don't have to ask anyone's permission to take a break.
M:That sounds good. Working a nine-to- five job can feel rather limited. Are you working long hours?
W:Actually I'm working more hours now than I did before. But I don't mind this much because I am the one making the decisions.
M:How is the pay?
W:I'd rather not say. It's a kind of personal thing.
M:Can you just give me a ball-park figure?
W:I'd really rather not. I 've never asked how much you made, have I?
M:No, the reason that I'm asking is because if the money is good doing what you are doing. Then, I 'd like to quit my nine-to-five work and work with you.
W:That would be nice, but I think you'd better stick with your day job.
M:So the money isn't that good then.
W:Let's just say that working for yourself isn't all that is correct to be.
日常英语对话材料训练:How are you
K:Hi Isaiah? How are you?
I: I'm well. And you?
K:Fine. How's your job going?
I:I don't know if I told you or not, but I decided to start my own business.
K:Really? That's fantastic. What kind of business is it?
I:I've started an investment banking firm

with some of myoId colleagues from Goldman Sachs.
K:How's it going?
I:It started off a bit slow, but now, business is really booming!
K:That's such great news. I'm really happy for you!
Where is your office located?
I:Our head office is here in Beijing,
but we're planning on opening up two more offices soon.
K:Where will those be located?
I:If all goes well, we'll open one up in Hong Kong in April
and another one in Singapore in October.
K:When will you find out?
I:We're negotiating the final details of the leasing contracts
K:Well, good luck! I hope it all goes well for you tomorrow!
I: I've got bad news.
K: What's that?
I: My new company is in danger of going bankrupt!
K: Oh, no! How did that happen?
I thought you said business was going well?
I: It was going well. We have plenty of satisfied clients.
K: What's the problem then?
I : The CFO started using our client base to work on deals of his own.
K: So he was getting paid by your company
and making a profit on your clients?
I: Yes. It's so horrible! I invested all of my savings into
this company and then my own friend used me!
K: What a thief!
What are you going to do about it?
I : Well, for starters, I had to fire him.
K: It must have been hard to fire a friend.
I : I thought it would be difficult,
but he made it easy for me by stealing from me!
K: What else are you going to do?
I: I've got to hire someone who can look through our finances
and re-do the books.
K:Do you have anyone to work on recruitment?
I: No. Do you know anyone who is looking for a job as a CFO?
K: No, but I could help you look.
I work for a head-hunting agency, you know.
I: Fantastic! I'll give you 10% of his first two months' salary
if you can find someone for me soon.
K: Not a problem. I'll start looking immediately.
I: Thanks a million!
At least I have a few friends left whom I can count on!