用英文写给朋友的信 写给朋友的英语信



Dear Steve,

I'm so pleased to learn that you and your classmates are learning Chinese. I'd like to recommend the following two dictionaries. The English-Chinese/Chinese-English Dictionary is really a good one for beginners,It has 18 000 English words and 20 000 Chinese words. Besides plenty of examples,it has many notes telling you how to use a word,Xinhua Dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary,and it has a vocabulary of 10 000 words. It may also be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese. Of the two,ECCED is the more expensive,costing 52 yuan,and XD costs 11yuan.

Plesse let me know if you want me to buy these dictionaries.


Li Yue


Dear Bob,

It's very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city. Now I'd like to tell you something about my hometown Jiangcheng.

The city stands on the bank of the Changjiang River. It is a beautiful place for people to live in. Its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years. New factories,houses,and roads have been built .More schools and hospitals are available for its people.

However,there are still some problems,such as water and air pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours. In my opinion,Jiangcheng should develop its economy scientifically. I would also think that the growth of its population should be brought under control so that we'll have a letter hometown in future.




Dear Brown,

It is my pleasure to recommend Li Ming, my good friend, for his application to work in your company. Li Ming graduated from Beijing Industry University. His major is Computer Software. During the four years'study he has done a good job. Every year he got the first grade scholarship. And he also has got the title of the Excellent Graduate.

用英文写给朋友的信 写给朋友的英语信

He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with high potentiality. He is not only quick at learning but also good at solving difficult problems with logical mind. I am sure that it will benefit your company if he can work for your company. I strongly recommend him to your company.

Yours, Wang Lin


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/217961/977314559.html




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英文老师教我们英文,我们写信给老师也要用英文,那么如何用英文写信给老师呢?下面小编整理了用英文写给老师的一封信,欢迎阅读。用英文写给老师的一封信篇一Dear Ms.XXX,I write this letter because I want to talk to you about th

给远方朋友的一封信 给远方朋友的信小学六年级


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