简单英语日常对话 简单的日常英语双人对话



W: Good morning, Jim!

简单英语日常对话 简单的日常英语双人对话

M: Good morning, Emma! A lovely day, isn't it?

W: Yes, it is. The sun is shining. There is no wind, only a pleasant breeze.

M: It is the best season for a picnic right now. Have you decided the place for your picnic?

W: We have decided to go to the park this Sunday. Would you like to go with us if you have not decided yet?

M: What did the whetherman say?

W: He’s predicting clear skies.

M: Well, I will think it over.


M: Can you do me a favor?

W: Sure. What is it?

M: Can you keep an eye on my bag, please? Nature's calling.

W: Sure. Will you be long?

M: No, I just want to use the bathroom.

W: Go ahead. It will be safe with me.


M: Where is my back pack?

W: I don't know. Where did you leave it?

M: I just put it on the chair a while ago, but now it's gone.

W: Are you sure?

M: Of course, I am sure. I bet someone stole it.

W: Well, you should have kept an eye on it.


W: Did you go camping last Saturday?

M: We went to the coast. It's really a nice place for camping, really good time around the fire singing and dancing.

W: How many members were in your party in all?

M: There were six of us.

W: Did you get caught in the bad storm?

M: Yes, we got wet through. But we still enjoyed ourselves.


M: Aren’t you going to swim?

W: Are you kidding? Don't you know I can't swim?

M: You are not telling me that we drove 50 miles to come here for just sunbath, are you?

W: Hey, don't shout. Come here! Sit closer. Now, Jim, we’ve had a lovely day. Don't spoil it now.

M: What about your beautiful bathing suit? We shopped all day. Don't you want to show it off?

W: Everybody who walks past me sees it. Besides, it's a good sunbathing suit.

M: All right. Suit yourself. I am going swimming.

W: Jim!

M: Yes?

W: Can you get me a beach umbrella and a deck chair? I am really tired of lying in the sand.

M: I've got a better idea. Why don’t we hire a boat and go for a ride? What do you think?

W: Are you serious? That will be wonderful!



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