医药行业英语翻译如下Use of the Apnea Monitor 使用窒息监视器
Apnea monitor with electrodes
Material to cleanse the infant's skin 电极窒息监视器
1. Wash hands. 洗手
2. Gather equipment. 收集用具

3. Explain to caregivers what is to be done and why. 向护工说明操作程序及目的
4. Prepare the infant's skin by making sure it is clean and dry. 婴儿皮肤准备,确保皮肤清洁干燥
5. Apply the electrodes (either to the infant or to the electrode belt, depending on the type of monitor being used). 贴电极片(根据监视器类型,将电极贴于婴儿皮肤或贴于电极带)
a. Place the electrode belt at the infant's nipple line. l 将电极带置于婴儿乳头线
b. Skin electrodes are usually best placed between the infant's nipple and armpit and may be repositioned somewhat. l 皮肤电极通常置于婴儿乳头和腋窝间,也可以置于其他部位。
6. Insert lead wires. Insert the white lead wire on the right side. Insert the black wire on the left. 插入导联线:白色导联线插右侧;黑色导联线插入左侧。
7. Insert the corresponding lead wire into the cable, and insert the cable into the monitor. The cable is usually color coded to match the lead wires. 将相应导联线与电线相接,将电线插入监视器。电线颜色通常与导联线颜色相配。
8. Attach the belt to the infant. The belt should be snug but you should be able to insert two fingers under it. 电极带固定于婴儿身上。电极带固定松紧度以能插入两个手指为宜。
9. Make sure the monitor is plugged in, the cable is attached, and the alarms are properly set. 确保监视器、电线和报警装置连接设置正常。
10. Turn on the monitor. The indicator lights should be on as well. 打开监视器。提示灯亮。
11. Settle the infant comfortably, or allow caregivers to hold and comfort their infant. 婴儿体位舒适,或由护工怀抱并安慰婴儿。
12. If the monitor alarm sounds: 如监视器报警:
a. Check the infant immediately. 立即检查婴儿;
b. Check the infant's breathing and color. If the infant is pink but not breathing, wait until the 10th beep before starting stimulation. If the infant is not pink, begin stimulation immediately. Believe observations of the infant before relying on the monitor. 检查婴儿呼吸和肤色。如肤色粉红但无呼吸,等警报器蜂鸣10下后再开始刺激。如婴儿不是粉红色,则立即开始刺激。操作时以观察结果为准,监视器显示为参考。
13. Use this stimulation sequence: Gently touch the infant; flick the infant's heel; slap the infant's foot; rub the infant's back. (Note: Be certain to teach caregivers never to shake the infant). If the child does not respond, start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). After the problem resolves, the alarm will stop. 行连续刺激:轻触婴儿,指弹婴儿脚跟,拍击婴儿足部,搓擦婴儿背部(教导护工绝不能摇晃婴儿)。如无反应,开始心肺复苏。问题解决,告警停止。
14. Press the reset button to turn off the alarm indicator. 按复位键关闭告警指示器。
15. Document and report any alarms and nursing responses. Document the infant's condition. Always note alarm settings when starting and ending any contact with the infant and at least every hour in between. 记录并报告警报及护理反应。记录婴儿病情。在开始和结束与婴儿接触时应始终注意警报器设置,每小时不少于一次。