


Daddy,may I have a birthday party?

Happy Birthday!

Here is a present for you.

I'd like to present this book for you.

Happy birthday,Jane.Many happy returns of the day.

I bought an album for you.

I don't know how to thank you for the gift.

I'm flattered you remember.


How about me treating you to a birthday dinner?

John, I'd like to invite you to my birthday party.

Here comes the birthday cake.

I must first make a wish.

But don't tell us,or the wish won't come true.

Can I have another piece, please?

Jane,don't you want to open the parcels?


A: next week is your birthday?


B: yes, I want to have a party, you come with me.


A: well, what specific time?A:好啊,具体什么时间呢?

B: on Tuesday evening.B:下周二傍晚。

A: ok, I will arrive on time. Need I take what to go?


B: no. You put the C call together on.B:不用。你把C一起叫上。

A: ok, no problem.A:好的,没问题。

B: then we agreed well, see you then. Worship.B:那我们约定好了,到时候见。拜。

A: see you then.A:到时候见。


Happy Birthday

Mary:Happy birthday! This is for you, Brian。

Brian:I’m so happy you remembered. Please come in and enjoy the party. Everyone is here. I’m sure you’ll have a good time。

Mary:Brian, may I have the pleasure to have a dance with you?


Mary:This is a really wonderful party。

Brian:Yes. You are always popular with everyone. And you look very pretty today。

Mary:Thanks. That’s kind of you to say. I hope my necklace goes with my dress and they both make me look as good as I feel。

Brian:You look great. You’re absolutely glowing。

Mary:Thanks. This is a fun Party. We should have a drink together to celebrate your birthday。


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/220061/901012001.html


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